Encyclopedia of Comic Books and Graphic Novels

(vip2019) #1


graphic novels, and popular culture, have prepared 340 entries that provide as many
as possible of the most important writers, artists, and specifi c comic book or graphic
novel titles. In the latter case, many of the entries are actually listed under the names
of important characters, because so many of these characters appear in multiple titles.
Th is encyclopedia also includes entries on individual publishing companies within the
comics industry and a few miscellaneous entries on comics-related topics. Finally, it
includes entries that provide broader surveys of important themes and genres within
comics—such as superhero comics, crime comics, and horror comics—as well as im-
portant themes—such as the Cold War, feminism, and religion.
Many entries conclude with a selected bibliography of recommended resources, and
at the end of volume 2, the encyclopedia features a selected resource list of the most
important books, articles, and Web sites related to comic books and graphic novels. A
comprehensive index following the bibliography gives readers more access to the infor-
mation, as does a system of cross references, indicated both by boldface terms in the
text, which indicate that there is an entry for that term, as well as “see also” references.
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