branch initiation and growth in the rainy season was observed. Interestingly, at almost all concentrations,
very large numbers of roots were also produced on the internodal region.
C. Indole Butyric Acid (IBA)
It is evident from Figure 4 that the effect of IBA on rooting is next to that of NAA; that is, IBA promotes
root growth better at lower concentration (30 ppm) than at higher ones and no distinct difference in the
growth of axillary branches was observed. Root growth was maximum in winter at 30 ppm and with well-
developed secondary roots. Very poor growth of roots and no initiation of axillary branches were ob-
served in plants treated with IBA in summer.
D. Field Transfer and Establishment of Rooted Cuttings
The effect of growth regulators on root and shoot growth was observed by growing the cuttings in
polyethylene bags for 35 days after treatment. It is clear from the results (Figure 5) that root growth was
maximum at the higher concentration (20 ppm) of NAA, followed by IBA (10 ppm), and the least growth
was obtained with IAA (10 ppm) after 35 days. In the control set, the roots were very much shorter than
in the treated cuttings. The maximum development of roots with profuse secondary roots was observed
with NAA and IBA. Whereas IAA suppressed the growth of roots and axillary branches during summer.
NAA and IBA enhanced the growth of axillary branches to a maximum, but the number and the length of
the roots were diminished in comparison with NAA. The maximum number of axillary branches was ob-
served in winter and rainy seasons, the least in summer.
The propagation of stem cuttings of several saltbush species and a few species from other
salt desert shrub genera was studied by Nord and Goodin [48], Wieland et al. [49], Ellern [50], and
Wiesner and Johnson [51]. Although Nord and Goodin [48] and Ellern [50] observed a general trend
for better rooting of saltbush (Atriplex) species in spring than in fall, no data were available for sum-
mer and winter. Nord and Goodin [48] noted better rooting of green stem tips than ripe wood cuttings,
Figure 5 Effect of IAA, IBA, and NAA (10–50 ppm) on rooting of Atriplex amnicolain the field during
winter (W), summer (S), and rainy season (R).