The action of many gibberellic acids (GAs) is similar to that of IAA, including elongation, promo-
tion of cambial activity, induction of parthenocarpy, and stimulation of nucleic acid and protein synthe-
sis. The GA3s vary greatly in their biological activity, and GA5 and GA7 are considered to have the
widest range. In ferns, algae, and fungi, GA3s have also been shown to influence growth and develop-
ment [68].
For the vegetative propagation experiments, mulberry cuttings were collected from both cultivated
and wild varieties at Jodhpur (site Chopasni). Growth regulators used for root initiation in cuttings were
NAA, IAA, IBA, and GA. Shoots of thick branches with well-developed buds were used for rooting ex-
periments. Cuttings taken from parts with a high carbohydrate content have been reported to root more
readily and profusely than cuttings selected from parts rich in nitrogen. Portions of the shoot that were too
tender at the top and overmature at the base were rejected. Cuttings taken from young branches sprouted
rapidly and profusely as compared with those taken from old parts. Cuttings of 7 to 10 cm usually of pen-
cil thickness with three to four well-developed buds were prepared from the central portion of the clone
with a slanting cut.
Table 1, which gives the results of experiments on rooting behavior in mulberry (cultivated variety),
shows that the addition of IAA and NAA at lower concentrations almost always caused more bud sprout-
ing. Also, the total leaves generally increased, together with the number of inflorescences. Increasing con-
centrations of hormones tended to decrease the values. Slightly higher values of these parameters were ob-
served with 10 ppm than with 20 ppm IAA. Of the two auxins, IAA was more effective than NAA. It is
also clear from Table 1 that in the case of NAA, a lower concentration is more effective than a higher one.
From the observations of the rooting behavior in a wild variety of mulberry (Table 2), we see that the
lower concentration of IAA is more effective than the higher one. The maximum number of sprouting
buds was 11; afterward the values remained constant. However, in the case of NAA, 20 ppm was more
effective than 10 ppm. Comparatively, IAA was more effective than NAA and higher values were ob-
served in the wild than in the cultivated variety.
Cuttings were immersed in different concentrations of growth regulators for 24 hr. During treatment,
cuttings were kept inside the growth room. After this treatment, cuttings were washed in distilled water
TABLE 1 Effect of Different Concentrations of IAA and NAA on Bud Sprouting (BS), Initiation of Leaves
(L), and Inflorescences (I) on Stem Cuttings of M. alba(Cultivated Variety 92)
Concentration buds on Jan. 25 Feb. 01 Feb. 03 Feb. 11
(ppm) cuttings BS L I BS L I BS L I BS L I
Control 5 1 2 1 3 1 3 3 4 6
10 5 3 41 42 557
20 8 4 51 51 534
10 7 2 5 5 5 3 2
20 9 3 3 3 4 3
TABLE 2 Effect of Different Concentrations of IAA and NAA on Bud Sprouting (BS), Initiation of Leaves
(L), and Inflorescences (I) on Stem Cuttings of M. indica(Wild Variety 92)
Concentration buds on Jan. 25 Feb. 01 Feb. 03 Feb. 11
(ppm) cuttings BS L I BS L I BS L I BS L I
Control 8 4 5 5 6 4 7 6 10
10 16 9 11 11 9 26 11 8 28
20 16 7 11 11 3 4 11 4 6
10 30 6 8 9 3 4 9 4 9
20 18 9 9 9 4 4 9 4 11