Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. R Valle, JW Mishoe, WJ Campbell, JW Jones, LH Allen Jr. Photosynthetic responses of “Bragg” soybean
    leaves adapted to different CO 2 environments. Crop Sci 25:333–339, 1985.

  2. WJ Campbell, LH Allen Jr, G Bowes. Response of soybean canopy photosynthesis to CO 2 concentration, light,
    and temperature. J Exp Bot 41:427–433, 1990.

  3. I Nijs, I Impens, P Van Hecke. Diurnal changes in the response of canopy photosynthetic rate to elevated CO 2
    in a coupled temperature-light environment. Photosynth Res 32:121–130, 1992.

  4. SB Idso, GW Wall, BA Kimball. Interactive effects of atmospheric CO 2 enrichment and light intensity
    reductions on net photosynthesis of sour orange tree leaves. Environ Exp Bot 33:367–375, 1993.

  5. GE Edwards, JP Krall. Metabolic interactions between organelles in C 4 plants. In: AK Tobin, ed. Plant
    Organelles. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, pp 97–112.

  6. N Sionit, DT Patterson. Responses of C 4 grasses to atmospheric CO 2 enrichment. I. Effects of irradiance.
    Oecologia 65:30–34, 1984.

  7. CB Field, FS Chapin III, PA Matson, HA Mooney. Responses of terrestrial ecosystems to the changing
    atmosphere: A resource-based approach. Annu Rev Ecol Syst 23:201–235, 1992.

  8. E Delgrado, RAC Mitchell, MAJ Parry, SP Driscoll, VJ Mitchell, DW Lawlor. Interacting effects of CO 2
    concentration, temperature and nitrogen supply to leaves on photosynthesis and composition of winter wheat
    leaves. Plant Cell Environ 17:1205–1213, 1994.

  9. IF McKee, FI Woodward. CO 2 enrichment responses of wheat: Interaction with temperature, nitrate and
    phosphate. New Phytol 127:447–453, 1994.

  10. R Pettersson, JS MacDonald. Effects of nitrogen supply on the acclimation of photosynthesis to elevated CO 2.
    Photosynth Res 39:389–400, 1994.

  11. H Bassiridad, RB Thomas, JF Reynolds, BR Strain. Differential responses of root uptake kinetics of ammo-
    nium and nitrate to enriched atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration in field grown loblolly pine. Plant Cell
    Environ 19:367–371, 1996.

  12. JM Bowler, MC Press. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen form and concentration on growth and
    photosynthesis of a fast- and slow-growing grass. New Phytol 132:391–401, 1996.

  13. Tingey DT, MG Johnson, DL Phillips, DW Johnson, JT Ball. Effects of elevated CO 2 and nitrogen on the
    synchrony of shoot and root growth in ponderosa pine. Tree Physiol 16:905–914, 1996.

  14. LH Ziska, W Weerakoon, OS Namuco, R Pamplona. The influence of nitrogen on the elevated carbon dioxide
    response in field grown rice. Aust J Plant Physiol 23:45–52, 1996.

  15. S Ferrario-Mery, MC Thibaud, T Betsche, MH Valadier, CH Foyer. Modulation of carbon and nitrogen
    metabolism, and of nitrate reductase, in untransformed Nicotiana plumbaginifoliaduring CO 2 enrichment of
    plants grown in pots and hydroponic culture. Planta 202:510–521, 1997.

  16. WJ Arp, JEM Mierlo, F Berendse, W Snijders. Interactions between elevated carbon dioxide concentration,
    nitrogen and water: Effects on growth and water use of six perennial plant species. Plant Cell Environ 21:1–11,

  17. R Pettersson, JS MacDonald, I Stadenburg. Response of small birch plants (Betula pendulaRoth.) to elevated
    CO 2 and nitrogen supply. Plant Cell Environ 16:1115–1121, 1993.

  18. H Poorter, V Berkel, R Baxter, J den Hertog, P Dijkstra, RM Gifford, KL Griffin, C Rounet, J Roy, SC Wong.
    The effect of elevated carbon dioxide on the chemical composition and construction costs of leaves of 27, C 3
    species. Plant Cell Environ 20:472–482, 1997.

  19. MF Cotrufo, P Ineson, A Scott. Elevated carbon dioxide reduces the nitrogen concentration of plant tissues.
    Global Change Biol 4:43–54, 1998.

  20. H Riviere-Rolland, P Contard, T Betsche. Adaptation of pea to elevated atmospheric CO 2 : Rubisco, PEP
    carboxylase and chloroplast phosphate translocator at different levels of nitrogen and phosphate nutrition. Plant
    Cell Environ 19:109–117, 1996.

  21. GS Rogers, PJ Milham, M Gillings, JP Conroy. Sink strength may be the key to growth and nitrogen response
    in N-deficient wheat at elevated carbon dioxide. Aust J Plant Physiol 23:253–264, 1996.

  22. N Sionit. Response of soybean to two levels of mineral nutrition in CO 2 enriched atmosphere. Crop Sci
    23:329–333, 1983.

  23. D Eamus, PG Jarvis. The direct effects of increase in the global atmospheric CO 2 concentration on natural and
    commercial temperate trees and forests. Adv Ecol Res 19:1–55, 1989.

  24. RB Thomas, JD Lewis, BR Strain. Effects of leaf nutrient status on photosynthetic capacity in loblolly pine
    seedlings grown in elevated atmospheric CO 2. Tree Physiol 14:947–950, 1994.

  25. DT Tissue, RB Thomas, BR Strain. Atmospheric CO 2 enrichment increases growth and photosynthesis of
    Pinus taeda, a 4 year experiment in the field. Plant Cell Environ 20:1123–1134, 1997.

  26. JP Conroy, PJ Milham, EWR Barlow. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus availability on the growth response
    ofEucalyptus grandisto high CO 2. Plant Cell Environ 15:843–847, 1992.

  27. RLE Gebauer, JF Reynolds, BR Strain. Allometric relations and growth in Pinus taeda: The effect of elevated
    CO 2 and changing N availability. New Phytol 134:85–93, 1996.

  28. A Fangmeier, U Grueters, B Hoegy Vermehren, HJ Jaeger. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen supply
    and tropospheric ozone on spring wheat. II. Nutrients. Environ Pollut 96:43–59, 1997.

  29. SJ Whitehead, SJM Caporn, MC Press. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide, nitrogen and phosphorus on the
    growth and photosynthesis of two upland perennial. New Phytol 135:201–211, 1997.


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