The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

(coco) #1
seeking to  make    you a   part    of  theirs.
3 . Sweep for mines. Turn off your phone, shut down your e-mail,
and exit your Internet browser. Your most important work
deserves 100 percent of your attention.
4 . Enlist support. Tell those most likely to seek you out what
you’re doing and when you’ll be available. It’s amazing how
accommodating others are when they see the big picture and
know when they can access you.

If, ultimately, you continue a tug-of-war to make time blocking
take place, then use the Focusing Question to ask: What’s the ONE
Thing I can do to protect my time block every day such by doing it
everything else I might do will be easier or unnecessary?


1 .  Connect    the dots.   Extraordinary   results become  possible    when
where you want to go is completely aligned with what you do
today. Tap into your purpose and allow that clarity to dictate
your priorities. With your priorities clear, the only logical course
is to go to work.
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