The Surpisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

(coco) #1

Willpower is so important that using it effectively should be a
high priority. Unfortunately, since it’s not on will-call, putting it to its
best use requires you to manage it. Just as with “the early bird gets
the worm” and “make hay while the sun shines,” willpower is a
timing issue. When you have your will, you get your way. Although
character is an essential element of willpower, the key to harnessing it
is when you use it.


Think of willpower like the power bar on your cell phone. Every
morning you start out with a full charge. As the day goes on, every
time you draw on it you’re using it up. So as your green bar shrinks,
so does your resolve, and when it eventually goes red, you’re done.
Willpower has a limited battery life but can be recharged with some
downtime. It’s a limited but renewable resource. Because you have a
limited supply, each act of will creates a win-lose scenario where
winning in an immediate situation through willpower makes you
more likely to lose later because you have less of it. Make it through a
tough day in the trenches, and the lure of late-night snacking can
become your diet’s downfall.
Everyone accepts that limited resources must be managed, yet
we fail to recognize that willpower is one of them. We act as though
our supply of willpower were endless. As a result, we don’t consider
it a personal resource to be managed, like food or sleep. This
repeatedly puts us in a tight spot, for when we need our willpower the
most, it may not be there.
Stanford University professor Baba Shiv’s research shows just
how fleeting our willpower can be. He divided 165 undergraduate
students into two groups and asked them to memorize either a two-
digit or a seven-digit number. Both tasks were well within the average
person’s cognitive abilities, and they could take as much time as they
needed. When they were ready, students would then go to another

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