(Julius mpwage) #1
The power of “yet”
Simply putting “yet” on the end of a negative statement can transform its

Let’s look at a few examples:

“I don’t know enough about this topic to pass the exam.”

“I don’t know enough about this topic to pass the exam yet.”

“I can’t get a girlfriend.” “I can’t get a girlfriend yet.”

“I just don’t earn enough money to buy a house.”

“I just don’t earn enough money to buy a house yet.”

Using “yet” signals to yourself and others that you haven’t given up. You are acknowledging that

things might change. You may not understand exactly how you will make these changes come to
pass, but you are at least open to the possibility. It immediately transforms you into a more
positve, optmistc person – at least in the eyes of others.

This technique doesn’t just work in conversaton. It is also efectve when it comes to your own self-

talk. It promotes a sense of positvity and potental, while stll encouraging you to remain realistc.
It acknowledges your current situaton and problems but makes it clear that you are on the right
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