(Julius mpwage) #1

  • 1. Build on a bare “Thank you:” A simple “Thank you” is always appreciated, but there’s a quick trick that

will ensure you leave a lastng impression. Using a few extra words, tell someone precisely what has flled
you with grattude.

For example, suppose a colleague has agreed to atend a meetng on your behalf and take notes because

you are urgently needed on a project. Most people would take the notes and say, “Thank you so much!”

That’s fne, but what do you think might happen if you were to use one of the following phrases instead?

“Thank you for taking the tme to make those notes for me.”

“Thank you for standing in for me and getng that informaton.”

“Thank you for taking such detailed notes, that was so helpful of you.”

These alternatves are specifc and personal. This tactc will make the other person feel more appreciated

for what they have done, which will enrich your relatonship. It also prevents you from taking others for

For example, if your partner fxes dinner most evenings, you may fnd that over tme you stop showing a

notceable degree of appreciaton. Making an efort to show how much you value them will nurture your

  • 2. Ofer to repay their kindness: If someone has gone out of their way to help you, ofering them

assistance in return will demonstrate your appreciaton. Most people won’t take you up on it, but they’ll
stll be pleased that you asked. Ask, “How can I return the favor?” or “Is there anything I can do in return?”

You could also tell them that if there’s anything they need in the future, they can call on you to help.

Remember, relatonships are built on give and take. In a healthy friendship, both partes are willing to give
and receive support.

  • 3. Never reject a compliment: I think most of us are occasionally guilty of brushing of a

compliment or piece of praise. Even a well-tmed compliment can be enough to make some of
us blush with modesty but arguing with someone trying to compliment you is rude.
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