(Julius mpwage) #1
The only appropriate response is a sincere “Thank you” “I’m so glad you think so” or similar.

What if you suspect that someone is merely trying to fater you, or is giving you a

sarcastc compliment? You should stll say “Thank you” because you’ll win no
mater what. If they are giving you a true compliment – you win.

If they are being sarcastc or manipulatve and you say “Thank you” before changing

the subject, you stll win because you haven’t allowed them to drag you down to
their level.

Grattude and mental health

Saying “Thank you” will also make you feel grateful for what you have, which in turn

will make you happier. Research shows that “grattude listng” – literally writng
down what you are thankful for – improves mood and wellbeing. This is even true
for people living with a chronic health conditon.

When you make a point of thanking other people, you will automatcally start notcing

what goes well in your life. It helps you develop a growth mindset, which
encourages you to identfy opportunites instead of obstacles. Unsurprisingly,
research has also shown that people who are thanked for their eforts enjoy
greater mental health than those who feel underappreciated.
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