Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The lime il lakes lo don or doff armor depends on lhe
armor's calegory.
Don.This is lhe lime it takes lo pul on armor. Vou
benefil from lhe armor's AC only ifyou lake lhe full lime
lOdon lhe suil of armor.
Dolf.This is lhe lime il lakes lo lake off armor. lf you
have help, reduce lhis time by half.

Category Oon Ooff
Lighl Armor 1 minute 1 minute
Medium Armor 5 minutes 1 minute
Heavy Armor 10 minutes 5 minutes
Shield 1 action 1 action


Your class granls proficiency in cerlain weapons,
reflecling boIh lhe class's focus and lhe lools you are
mosl likely lo use. Whelher you favor a longsword or
a longbow, your weapon and your abilily lo wield il
effeclively can mean lhe difference belween tife and
dealh while advenluring.
The Weapons lable shows lhe mosl common weapons
used in lhe worlds of 0&0, lheir price and weighl,
lhe damage lhey deal when lhey hil, and any special
properlies lhey possesso Every weapon is classified
as eilher melee or ranged. Amelee weaponis used lo
attack a largel wilhin 5 feel of you, whereas aranged
weaponis used lo attack a largel aI a dislance.

Your race, class, and feals can granl you proficiency
wilh cerlain weapons or calegories of weapons. The lwo
calegories aresimpleandmartial.Mosl people can
use sim pIe weapons wilh proficiency. These weapons
include clubs, maces, and olher weapons oflen found in
lhe hands of commoners. Marlial weapons, including
swords, axes, and polearms, require more speciatized
lraining lOuse effeclively. Mosl warriors use marlial
weapons because lhese weapons pul their fighling slyle
and lraining lo besl use.
Proficiency wilh a weapon allows you lo add your
proficiency bonus lo lhe atlack roll for any attack you
make wilh lhat weapon. If you make an atlack roll using
a weapon wilh which you lack proficiency, you do nol
add your proficiency bonus lo lhe atlack roll.

Many weapons have special properlies relaled lo lheir use,
as shown in lhe Weapons lable.
Ammunition.Vou can use a weapon lhal has lhe
ammunilion properly lo make a ranged attack only if
you have ammunilion lo fire from lhe weapon. Each
time you atlack wilh lhe weapon, you expend one piece
of ammunilion. Orawing lhe ammunition from a quiver,
case, or olher conlainer is parI of lhe atlack. AI lhe
end of lhe baltle, you can recover half your expended
ammunilion by laking a minule lo search lhe battlefield.
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