Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
For example, if a characler attempts lo climb up a
dangerous cliff, lhe Dungeon Masler mighl ask for a
Slrenglh (Alhlelics) check. lf lhe characler is proficienl
in Athletics, the characler's proficiency bonus is added
to lhe Slrenglh check. lf lhe characler lacks that
proficicncy, he or she JUSlmakes a Slrenglh check.

Normally, your proficiency in a skill applies only lo a
specific kind of abilily check. Proficiency in Alhlelics,
for example, usually applics lo Slrenglh checks. In some
situations, lhough, your proficiency mighl reasonably
apply lo a differenl kind of check. In such cases, lhe DM
mighl ask for a check using an unusual combinalion of
abilily and skill, or you mighl ask your DM ifyou can
applya proficiency to a differenl check. For example,
if you have lo swim from an offshore island to lhe
mainland, your DM mighl call for a Conslilulion check
lo see ifyou have the stamina lo make it that faroIn lhis
case, your DM mighl allow you to apply your proficiency
in Alhlelics and ask for a Constilulion (Alhlelics) check.
So ifyou're proficienl in Alhlelics, you apply your
proficiency honus to lhe Conslilulion checkjusl as you
would normally do for a Slrenglh (Alhlelics) check.
SimilarIy, when your half-orc barbarian uses a display
of raw slrenglh to inlimidale an enemy, your DM mighl
ask for a Strength (Inlimidalion) check, evenlhough
Intimidalion is normally associaled wilh Charisma.


A passive check is a special kind of abilily check lhal
doesn'l involve any die rolls. Such a check can represenl
lhe average resull for a task done repealedly, such as
searching for secrel doors over and over again. or can
be used when the DM wanls lo secretly determine
whelher lhe characters succeed at something wilholll
rolling dice, such as nOlicing a hidden monsler.
Here's how lo delermine a character's lolal for a
passive check:

10 +ali modifiers thal normally apply to the check
If the characler has advanlage on lhe check, add 5. For
disadvanlage, suhlract 5. The game refers lo a passive
check lotai as a score.
For example. if a 1st-levei character has a Wisdom of
15 and proficiency in Perceplion. he or she has a passive
Wisdom (Perceplion) score of 14.
The rules on hiding in lhe "Dexlerily" section below
rely on passive cbecks, as do lhe exploralion rules
in chapler 8.


Some times lwo or more characlers leam up to allempt a
lask. The characler who's leading lhe effort-or lhe one
wilb lhe highesl abilily modifier-can make an ability
cbeck wilh advanlage, reflecling the help provided by
the olher characlers. In combal, lhis requires lhe Help
aclion (see chapler 9).
A character can only provide help if lhe lask is one lhat
he or she cOllldallempt alone. For example, trying lo
open a lock requires proficiency wilh lhieves' lools, so a

characler who lacks lhat proficiency can't help anolher
characler in lhal task. Moreover, a character can help
only when two or more individuais working logelher
would aclually be produclive. Some lasks, such as
lbreading a needle. are no easier with help.

When a number of individuais are lrying to accomplish
somelhing as a group, lhe DM mighl ask for a group
abilily check. In such a situalion, lhe characters who are
skilled ai a parlicular task help cover those who aren'l.
To make a group ability check. everyone in lbe group
makes lbe abilily check. lf alleasl half lhe group
sllcceeds, the wbole group succeeds. Otherwise,
lhe group fails.
Group checks don't come up very often. and lhey're
most useful wben ali lhe characlers succeed or
fail as a group. For example, when advenlurcrs arc
navigating a swamp, lbe DM mighl call for a group
Wisdom (Survival) check lo see if lhe characlers can
avoid lhe quicksand, sinkholcs, and other natural
hazards of lhe environmenl. If at least half the group
succeeds, lhe successful characlers are ablc to guide
lhcir companions oul of danger. Olherwise, lhe group
slumbles inlo one of lhese hazards.

Using Each Ability

Every lask lhal a characler or monsler mighl atlempt
in the game is covered by one of lhe six abililies. This
seclion explains in more delail wbal lhose abilities
mean and the ways lhey are used in lhe game.

Slrenglh measures bodily power, athlelic training, and
the exlenllo which you can exert raw physical force.

A Slrenglh check can model any atlempllo lifl, p"sh,
pull, or break something, lo force your body lhrougb a
space, or lo otherwise apply brute force lo a silualion.
The Alhlelics skill reflecls aptitude in cerlain kinds of
Slrength checks.
Athletics. Your Strenglh (Alhlelics) check covers
difficult situations YOllencollnler while c1imbing,
jumping. or swimming. Examples include tbe
following aclivilies:
You attempt lo climh a sheer or slippery cliff, avoid
hazards while scaling a wall, or cling lo a surface
while something is lrying to knock you off.
You try lo jump an unuslIally long distance or pull
off a slunl midjump.
You slruggle lo swim or slay afloal in lreacherous cur-
renls, slorm-lossed waves, or areas of lhick seaweed.
Or anolher crealure lries lo push or pull you underwa-
ler or olherwise interfere with your swimming.
Other Strength Checks.The DM mighl also call for
a Slrcngtb check when you lry to accomplish tasks like
lhe following:

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