Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


While perceiving through the beast's senses, yougain
the benefits ofanyspecial senses possessed bythat
creature, though you are blinded and deafened toyour
own surroundings,

3rd-/evel nccromancy
Casting Time: 1action
Range: Touch
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1minute
Youlouch a creature, and that creature must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed forthe
duration ofthe spelL When youcast this spell, choose
the nature ofthe curse from the followingoptions:
Choose one ability score. While cursed, the target
has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws
made with that ability score.
While cursed, the target has disadvantage on attack
rolls against you.
While cursed, the target must make a Wisdom sav-
ing throw at the start ofeach ofits turns. lfitfails, it
wastes its action that turn doing nothing.
While the target iscursed, your attacks and spells
deal an extra ld8 necrotic damage tothe target.
Aremove cursespell ends this effect.Atthe DM's
option, youmaychoose an alternative curse effect,but
itshould be no more powerful than those described
above.The DMhas finalsay on such a curse's effect.
At Higher LeveIs. Ifyoucast this spell using aspell
slot of4th leveior higher, the duration is concentration,
upto 10minutes. Ifyouuse a spell slot of5th leveior
higher, the duration is8 hours. Ifyou use a spell slot of
7th levelor higher, the duration is 24 hours. Ifyouuse
a 9th leveispell slot, the spelllasts until itisdispelled.
Using a spell slot of5th leveior higher grants a duration
that doesn't require concentration.

5th-leveI evocation
Casting Time: 1action
Range: 120feet
Components: V,S, M(aneggshell and a
snakeskin glove)
Duration: Concentration, up to I minute
Youcreate a Large hand ofshimmering, translucent
force inan unoccupied space that youcan see within
range. The hand lasts forthe spell's duration, and it
moves atyour command, mimicking the movements of
your own hand.
The hand is an object that has AC20 and hitpoints
equal toyour hit point maximum. lfitdrops toOhit
points, the spell ends. Ithas a Strength of26 (+8)and a
Dexterity of 10(+0).The hand doesn't fillits spaee.
When youcast the spell and as a bonus action onyour
subsequent turns, youcan move the hand up to60 feet
and then cause one ofthe followingeffects with it.
Clenched Fist.The hand strikes one creature or
object within 5feet ofit.Make a melee spell attack for


the hand using your game statistics. Ona hit, the target
takes 4d8 force damage.
Forceful Hand. The hand attempts topush a creature
within 5feet ofitina direction youchoose. Make
a check with the hand's Strength contested bythe
Strength (Athletics) check ofthe target. lfthe target is
Medium orsmaller, you have advantage on the check. lf
yousucceed, the hand pushes the target up to5 feetplus
a number offeetequal tofivetimes your spellcasting
ability modifier.The hand moves with the target to
remain within 5feet ofit.
Grasping Hand.The hand attempts tograpple a Huge
or smaller creature within 5 feetofit.Youuse the hand's
Strength score to resolve the grapple. Ifthe target is
Medium or smaller, you have advantage on the check.
While the hand is grappling the target, youcan use a
bonus action tohave the hand crush it.When you do
so, the target takes bludgeoning damage equal to2d6 +
your spellcasting ability modifier.
lnterposing Hand.The hand interposes itself
between youand a creature youchoose until you give
the hand a different command. The hand moves tostay
between youand the target, providing youwith half
cover against the target. The target can't move through
the hand's space ifits Strength score is less than or
equal to the hand's Strength score. Ifits Strength score
is higher than the hand's Strength score, the target can
movetoward youthrough the hand's space, but that
space isdifficuItterrain forthe target.
At Higher Leveis. When youcast this spell using a
spell slot of6th leveior higher, the damage from the
clenched fistoption increases by2d8 and the damage
from the grasping hand increases by2d6 foreach slot
leveIabove 5th.

6th-levei evocation
Casting Time: 1action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V,S
Duration: Concentration, upto 10minutes
Youcreate avertical wall ofwhirling, razor-sharp blades
made ofmagical energy. The wall appears within range
and lasts forthe duration. Youcan make a straight wall
up to 100feetlong, 20 feethigh, and 5feet thick, or a
ringed wall up to60 feet indiameter, 20 feethigh, and
5 feet thick. The wall provides three-quarters cover to
creatures behind it,and its space is difficultterrain.
When a creature enters the wall's area forthe first
time on a turn orstarts its turn there, the creature must
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save. the
creature takes 6d1Oslashing damage. Ona successful
save, the creature takes half as much damage.

Abjuratian cantrip
Casting Time: 1action
Range: Self
Components: V,S
Duration: 1round
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