Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

lriggers include opening lhal objecl, approaching wilhin
a cerlain dislance of lhe objecl, or seeing or reading lhe
glyph. Once a glyph is lriggered, lhis spell ends.
Vou can furlher retine lhe lrigger so lhe spell aclivales
only under cerlain circumslances or according lo
physical characlerislics (such as heighl or weighl),
crealure kind (for example, the ward could be seI lo
affecl aberralions or drow), or alignment. Vou can also
seI condilions for crealures lhal don'l lrigger lhe glyph,
such as lhose who say a cerlain password.
When you inscribe lhe glyph, chooseexpiosive runes
or aspell glyph.
Explosive Runes. When lriggered, lhe glyph erupls
with magical energy in a 20-fool-radius sphere cenlered
on lhe glyph. The sphere spreads around corners. Each
crealure in lhe area musl make a Dexlerily saving
lhrow. A crealure takes Sd8 acid, cold, tire, lighlning, or
thunder damage on a failed saving lhrow (your choice
when you creale the glyph), or half as much damage on a
successful one.
SpelJ Glyph.Vou can slore a prepared spell of
3rd levei or lower in lhe glyph by casling it as parI
of crealing lhe glyph. The spell musl largel a single
crealure or an area. The spell being slored has no
immediale effecl when casl in lhis way. When lhe glyph
is lriggered, lhe slored spell is cast. If lhe spell has a
largel, il largels lhe crealure lhal lriggered lhe glyph.
If lhe spell affecls an area, lhe area is cenlered on
lhal crealure. Ir lhe spell summons hoslile crealures
or creales harmful objecls or lraps, lhey appear as
close as possible lo lhe inlruder and attack it. Ir lhe
spell requires concenlralion, il !asls unlil lhe end of ils
full duralion.
At Higher Leveis. When you casl lhis spell using
a spell slol of 41h levei or higher, lhe damage of an
expiosive runesglyph increases by Id8 for each si01
levei above 3rd. If you creale aspell glyph,you can slore
any spell of up lo lhe same leve! as lhe si01you use for

1st-levei transmutation

Casting Time: I aclion
Range: Touch
Components: V,5, M (a sprig of mistleloe)
Duration: Inslanlaneous

Up lo len berries appear in your hand and are infused
wilh magic for lhe duralion. A crealure can use ilS
aclion to eal one berry. Ealing a berry reslores I hil
poinl, and lhe berry provides enough nourishmenl lo
suslain a creature for one day.
The berries lose lheir polency if lhey have nol been
consumed wilhin 24 hours of lhe casling of lhis spell.

4th-ievei conjuration

Casting Time: I bonus aclion
Range: 30 feel
Components: V,S
Duration: Concenlralion, up lo I minule


Vou conjure a vine lhal sprouls from lhe ground in an
unoccupied space of your choice lhal you can see wilhin
range. When you casl lhis spell, you can direcl lhe vine
lOlash oul at a crealure wilhin 30 feel of il lhal you can
see. Thal crealure musl succeed on a Dexlerily saving
lhrow or be pulled 20 feel direclly loward lhe vine.
Unlil lhe spell ends, you can direcl lhe vine lo lash oul
aI lhe same crealure or anolher one as a bonus aclion
on each of your lurns.

1st-levei conjuration
Casting Time: I aclion
Range: 60 feet
Components: V,5, M (a bil of pork rind or butter)
Duration: I minule
5lick grease covers lhe ground in a lO-fool square
cenlered on a poinl wilhin range and lurns il inlo
difficull lerrain for lhe duralion.
When lhe grease appears, each crealure slanding in
ils area musl succeed on a Dexlerity saving lhrow or fali
prone. A crealure thal enlers lhe area or ends ils lurn
lhere musl also succeed on a Dexlerily saving lhrow
or fali prone.

4th-levei ilIusion
Casting Time: I aclion
Range: Touch
Components: V.5
Duration: Concenlralion, up lo I minule
Vou or a crealure you louch becomes invisible unlil lhe
spell ends. Anylhing lhe largel is wearing or carrying is
invisible as long as il is on lhe largel's person.

5th-ievei abjuration
Casting Time: I aclion
Range: Touch
Components: V,5, M (diamond dusl worlh aI leasl 100
gp, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Inslanlaneous
Vou imbue a crealure you louch wilh posilive energy lo
undo a debililating effect. Vou can reduce lhe largel's
exhauslion leveI by one, or end one of lhe following
effecls on lhe largel:
One effecl lhat charmed or pelritied lhe largel
One curse, including lhe larget's attunemenl lo a
cursed magic ilem
Any reduclion lo one of lhe largel's abilily scores
One effecl reducing lhe larget's hil poinl maximum

4th-ievei conjuration
Casting Time: I aclion
Range: 30 feel
Components: V
Duration: 8 hours
A Large speclral guardian appears and hovers for lhe
duralion in an unoccupied space of your choice lhal you
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