Player's handbook 5e pdf

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Cantrip.Vou know one Canlrip ofyour choice from
lhe wizard spelllisl. Inlelligence is your spellcasling
abilily for il. ',."
Extra Language.Voucan speak, read, and wrile one
exlra language of your choice.

As a wood elf, you have keen senses and inluilion, and
your fleel feel carry you quickly and sleallhily lhrough
your nalive foresls. This calegory includes lhe wild
elves (grugach) of Greyhawk and lhe Kagonesli of
Dragonlance, as well as lhe races called wood elves in
Greyhawk and lhe Forgolten Realms. [n Faenln, wood
elves (also called wild elves. green elves, or foresl elves)
are reclusive and dislrusling of non-elves.
Wood elves' skin lends lo be copperish in hue,
somelimes wilh lraces of green. Their hair lends loward
browns and blacks, bul il is occasionally blond or
copper-colored. Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel.
Ability Score Increase.Your Wisdom score
increases by 1.
ElfWeapon Training.Vou have proficiency wilh lhe
longsword, shorlsword, shorlbow, and longbow.
F1eetofFoot.Your base walking speed
increases lo 35 feel.
Mask ofthe Wild.Voucan altempllo hide even when
you are only lighlly obscured by foliage, heavy rain,
falling snow, misl, and olher nalural phenomena.

Descended from an earlier subrace of dark-skinned
elves; lhedrow were banished from lhe surface world
for following lhe goddess Lollh down lhe palh lo
evil and corruplion. Now lhey have builllheir own
civilizalion in lhe deplhs of lhe Underdark, palterned
afler lhe Way of Lollh. Also called dark elves. lhe drow
have black skin lhal resemb[es polished obsidian and
slark while ar pale yellow hair. They commonly have
very pale eyes (so pale as lObe mislaken for while) in
shades of lilac, silver, pink, red, and blue. They lend lo
be smaller and lhinner lhan mosl elves.
Drow advenlurers are rare, and lhe race does nol exisl
in ali worlds. Check wilh your Dungeon Masler lo see
ifyou can play a drow characler.
Ability Score Increase.Your Charisma score
increases by 1.
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a
radius of 120 feel.
SunJight Sensitivity. Vou have disadvanlage on altack
rolls and on Wisdom (Perceplion) checks lhal rely on
sighl when you, lhe largel ofyour altack, ar whalever
you are trying to perceive is in direcl sunlighl.
Drow Magic.Vou know lhedancing Jightscanlrip.
When you reach 3rd levei, you can casllhe faerie tire
spell once per day. When you reach 51h levei, you can
also casl lhedarkness spell once per day. Charisma is
your spellcasling abilily for lhese spells.
Drow Weapon Training.Vouhave proficiency with
rapiers, shorlswords, and hand crossbows.
4 ,
Were il nol for one renowned exceplion, lhe race of drow
would be universally reviled. lo mosl, lhey are a race of
demon-worshiping marauders dwelling in lhe sublerranean
deplhs of lhe Underdark, emerging only on lhe blackesl
nighls lo pillage and slaughler lhe surface dwellers lhey
despi se. lheir sociely is depraved and preoccupied wilh lhe
favor of Lollh, lheir spider-goddess, who sanclions murder
and lhe exlerminalion of enlire families as noble houses
vie for posilion.
Yelone drow, alleasl, broke lhe mold. In lhe world of lhe
Forgotten Realms, Drizzl Do'Urden, ranger of lhe North, has
proven his qualily as a good-hearted defender of lhe weak
and innocent. Rejecling his herilage and adrift in a world lhal
looks upon him wilh lerror and loalhing, Drizzl is a model
for lhose few drow who follow in his foolsleps, lrying lo find
a life apart from lhe evil sociely oflheir Underdark homes.
Drow grow up believing lhal surface-dwelling races are
inferior, worlhless excepl as slaves. Drow who develop a
conscience or find il necessary lo cooperale wilh members of
olher races find il hard lo overcome lhal prejudice, especially
when lhey are 50 often on lhe receiving end of halred.
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