Monster Manual 5E

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Use this index to find a specific monster stat block.

Aarakocra, 12
Aboleth, 13
Abominable Yeti , 306
Acererak, 49
Acolyte, 342
Adult Black Dragon, 88
Adult Blue Dracolich, 84
Adult Blue Dragon, 91
Adult Brass Dragon, 105
Adult Bronze Dragon, 108
Adult Copper Dragon, Ill
Adult Gold Dragon, 114
Adult Green Dragon, 94
Adult Red Dragon, 98
Adult Silve r Dragon, 117
Adult White Dragon, 10 1
Air Elemental, 124
Allosaurus, 79
Ancient Black Dragon, 87
Ancient Blue Dragon, 90
Ancient Brass Dragon, 104
Ancient Bronze Dragon, 107
Ancient Copper Dragon, 110
Ancient Gold Dragon, 113
Ancient Green Dragon, 93
Ancient Red Dragon , 97
Ancient Silver Dragon, 116
Ancient White Dragon, 100
Androsphinx, 281
Animated Armor, 19
Ankheg, 2 1
Ankylosaurus, 79
Ape, 317
Arcana loth, 313
Arch mage, 342
Assassin, 343
Awakened Shrub, 317
Awakened Tree, 3 17
Axe Beak, 317
Azer, 22

Baboon, 318
Badger, 318
Balor, 55
Bandit, 343
Bandit Captain, 344
Banshee, 23
Barbed Devil, 70
Barlgura, 56
Basilis k, 24
Bearded Devil, 70
Behir, 25
Beholder, 28
Beholder Zombie, 3 16
Berserker, 344
Black Bear, 318
Black Dragon Wyrmling, 88
Black Pudding, 241
Blink Dog, 3 18
Blood Hawk, 319
Blue Dragon Wyrmling, 9 1
Blue Slaad , 276
Boar, 319
Bone Devil, 71
Bone Naga, 233
Brass Dragon Wyrmlin g, 106
Bronze Dragon Wyrmling, 109
Brown Bear, 3 19
Bugbear, 33
Bugbear Chief, 33
Bulette, 34
Bullywug, 35

Cambion. 36
Camel, 320
Carrion Crawler, 37
Cat, 320
Cave Bear, 334
Centaur, 38
Cha in Devil, 72
Chasme, 57
Chimera, 39
Chuul, 40
Clay Golem, 168
Cloaker, 41
Cloud Giant, 154
Cockatrice, 4 2
Commoner, 345

Constrictor Snake, 320
Copper Dragon Wyf mling, 112
Couatl, 43
Courtier. S ee Noble.
Crab, 320
Crawling Claw, 44
Crocodile, 320
Cult Fanatic, 3 45
Cultist, 345
Cyclops, 45

Dao, 143
Darkmantle, 46
Death Dog, 32 1
Death Knig ht, 47
Death Slaad, 278
Death Tyrant, 29
Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin), 1 64
Deer, 321
De milich, 48
Deva, 16
Dire Wolf, 321
Diseased Giant Rat, 327
Displacer Beast, 81
Djinni, 144
Doppelganger, 82
Dracolich (template), 83
Draft Horse, 321
Dragon Turtle, 119
Dretch, 57
Drider, 120
Drow, 1 28
Draw Elite Warrior, 12 8
Drow Mage, 129
Draw Priestess of Lolth, 129
Druid, 346
Dryad, 121
Duergar, 122
Duodrone, 225
Dust Me phit, 2 15

Eagle , 322
Earth Eleme ntal, 124
Efreeti, 145
Elephant, 322
Elk, 322
Empyrean, 130
Erinyes, 73
Ettercap, 131
Ettin, 132

Fae rie Dragon, 1 33
Fi re Elemental, 125
Fire Giant, 154
Fire Snake, 265
Flames kull, 134
Flesh Gole m, 169
F lumph, 1 35
Flying S nake, 322
Flying Sword, 20
Fomorian, 136
Frog, 322
Frost Giant, 1 55

Gale b Duhr, 139
Gargoyle, 140
Gas Spore , 138
Gelatinous Cube, 242
Ghast, 1 48
Ghost, 147
Ghoul, 148
Giant Ape, 323
Giant Badger, 323
Giant Bat, 323
Giant Boar, 323
Giant Centipede, 323
Giant Constrictor Snake, 324
Giant Crab, 324
Giant Crocodile, 324
Giant Eagle, 324
Giant Elk, 325
Giant Fire Beetle, 325

Giant Frog, 325
Giant Goat, 326
Giant Hyena, 326
Giant Lizard, 326
Giant Octopus, 326
Giant Owl, 327
Giant Poisonous Snake, 327
GiGiant a nt Scorpion, Ra t, 327 327 ' ~
Giant Sea Horse, 328
Giant Shark, 328
Giant Spider, 328 '
Giant Toad, 329
Giant Vulture , 329
Giant Wasp, 329
Giant Weasel, 329
Giant Wolf Spider, 330
Gibbering Mouther, 157
Githyanki Knight, 160
Githyanki Warrior, 160
Githzcra i Monk, 161
Githzerai Zerth, 161
Glabrezu, 58
Gladiator, 346
Gnoll, 163
Gnoll Fang ofYeenoghu, 163
Gnoll Pack Lord, 163
Goat, 330
Goblin, 166
Goblin Boss, 1 66
Gold Dragon Wyrmling, liS
Gorgon, 171
Goristro, 59
Gray Ooze, 243
Gray Slaad, 277
G reen Dragon Wyrmling, 95
Green Hag, 177
Green S laad, 277
Grell, 172
Grick, 173
Grick Alpha, 173
Griffon, 174
Grimlock, 175
Guard, 347
Guardian Naga, 234
Gynosphinx, 282

Half-Dragon (template), 180
HaJf.Ogre, 238
Half-Red Dragon Veteran, 180
Harpy, 18 1
Hawk, 330
Hell Hound, 182
He lmed Horro r, 1 83
Hezrou, 60
Hill Giant, ISS
Hippogriff, 184
Hobgoblin, 1 86
Hobgoblin Captain, 186
Hobgoblin Warlord. 187
Homunculus, 188
Hook Horror, 1 89
Horned Devil, 74
Hunte r Sha rk, 330
Hydra, 190
Hyena, 331

lee Devil, 75
lee Mephit, 2 15
Imp, 76
Incubus, 284
Intellect Devourer, 1 91
Invisible S ta lker, 192
Iron Gole m, 170

jackal, 331
jackalwere, 193
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