Kenku, 194
Killer Whale, 331
Knight, 347
Kobold, 195
Kraken, 197
Kuo-toa, 199
Kuo·toa Archpriest, 200
Kuo-toa Whip, 200
Lamia, 201
Lemure. 76
L ich. 202
Lion. 331
Lizard. 332
Li zard King/Queen. 205
Lizardfolk. 204
Lizardfolk S haman, 205
Mage. 347
Magma M ephit. 2 16
Magmin. 2 12
Mammoth. 332
Manes, 60
Manticore, 2 13
Marid, 146
Marilith, 6 1
Mastiff, 332
Medusa, 2 14
Merfol k, 218
Merrow. 2 19
Mezzolot h, 3 13
Mimic, 220
Mind Flayer, 222
Mind Flayer Arcanist. 222
Minotaur. 223
Minotaur Skeleton. 273
Monodrone, 224
Mud Mephit, 2 16
Mule. 333
Mummy, 228
Mummy Lord, 229
Myconid Adult. 232
Myconid Sover eign, 232
Myconid Sprout, 230
Nalfeshnee, 62
Needle Blight, 32
Night Hag, 178
Nightmare, 235
Noble, 348
Not hie, 236
Nycaloth, 3 14
Ochre j elly, 243
Octopus, 333
Ogre, 237
Ogre Zombie, 3 16
Oni, 239
Ore, 246
Ore Eye ofGruumsh. 247
Ore War Chief. 246
Orog, 247
Otyugh. 248
Owl. 333
Owlbear. 249
Panther. 333
Pegasus, 250
Pentadronc, 226
Peryton, 251
Phase Spid er, 334
Piercer, 252
Pirate. See Bandit.
Pirate Captain.
See Bandit Captain.
Pit Fiend, 77
Pixie, 253
Planetar, 17
Plesiosaurus. 80
Poisonous Snake. 334
Polar Bear, 334
Poltergeist, 279
Pony. 335
Priest. 348
Pseudodragon. 254
Psychic Gray Ooze, 240
Pteranodon, 80
Purple Worm, 255
Quadrone. 226
Quaggot h, 256
Quaggoth Spore Ser vant. 230
Quaggoth Thonot, 256
Quasit. 63
Quipper, 335
Rakshasa. 257
Rat, 335
Raven. 335
Red Dragon \.Vyrmling, 98
Red Slaad, 276
Reef Shark, 336
Remorhaz, 258
Revenant. 259
Rhinoceros, 336
Riding Horse, 336
Roc. 260
Rogue Mod ron, 224
Roper, 26 1
Rug of Smothering. 20
Rust Monster, 262
Saber-toothed Tiger, 336
Sahuagin, 263
Sahuagin Baron, 264
Sahuagin Priestess. 264
Salamander, 266
Satyr. 267
Scarecrow. 268
Scorpion. 337
Scout, 349
Sea Hag. 179
Sea Horse, 337
Shadow. 269
S hadow De mon. 64
Shadow Dragon (template). 84
Shambling Mound, 270
Shield Guardian, 271
Shrieker. 138
S ilver Dragon Wyrmling. 118
Skeleton. 272
Slaad Tadpole, 276
Smoke Mephit, 217
Solar, 18
S pectator. 30
Specter. 279
Spider. 33 7
Spined Devil, 78
Spirit Naga, 234
Spore Servant (template). 230
Sprite, 283
Spy, 349
S team Mephit, 2 17
Stirge. 284
S tone Giant, 156
S tone Golem. 170
S torm G iant. 156
Succubus. 285
Svirfneblin. See Deep Gnome.
Swarm of Bats. 337
Swarm of Beetles. 338
Swarm of Centipedes. 338
Swarm of Insects. 338
Swann of
Poisonous S nakes. 338
Swarm of Q uippers, 338
Swarm of Rats. 339
Swarm of Ravens. 339
Swarm of Spiders. 338
Swarm of Wasps, 338
Tarrasque, 286
Thri-kreen. 288
Thug. 350
Tiger. 339
Toad. See Frog.
Treant. 289
Tribal S haman. See Druid.
Tribal Warrior. 350
Triceratops. 80
Tridronc, 225
Troglody te. 290
Troll. 291
Twig Blight, 32
Tyrannosaurus Rex. 80
Ultrolot h. 31~
Umber Hulk. 292
U nicorn. 294
Urd. See Winged Kobold.
Vampire. 297
Vampire S pawn. 298
Veteran, 350
Vine Blight. 32
V iole t Fungus. 138
Vrock, 64
Vulture, 339
Warhorse, 340
Warhorse Skeleton. 273
Water Elemental. 125
Water Weird, 299
Weasel. 340
Werebear. 208
Wereboar. 209
Wererat. 209
We ret iger, 210
Werewolf, 211
White Dragon W yrmling, 102
Wight. 300
Will-o'-Wisp. 301
Winged Kobold, 195
Winter Wolf. 340
Wolf,3 41
Worg, 341
Wraith. 302
Wyvern. 30 3
Xorn, 304
Yeti. 305
Yochlol. 65
Young Black Dragon, 88
Young Blu e Dragon, 91
Young Brass Dragon, 105
Young Bronze Dragon, 108
Young Copper Dragon, Ill
Young Gold Dragon. 115
Young Green Dragon, 94
Young Red Dragon, 98
Young Red Shadow Dragon, 85
Young Rcmorh az, 258
Young S ilver Dragon, 118
Young White Dragon, 101
Yuan-ti Abomination, 308
Yuan-ti M a lison, 309
Yuan-ti Pureblood, 310
Zombie, 3 16