Dungeon Master's Guide 5E

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


dlOO Item dlOO Item
01-03 Ash 60-61 Lumps,
04-06 Bark unidentifiable
07-09 Bodily organs 62-64 O il
10-14 Bones 65-68 Paste
15-17 Cinders 69-71 Pellets
18-22 Crystals 72-84 Powder
23-26 Dust 85-86 Semiliquid
27-28 Fibers suspension
29-31 Gelatin 87-88 Skin or hide
32-35 Grains 89-90 Spheres (metal,
36-38 Grease stone, or wood)
39-41 Husks 91-92 Splinters
42-46 Leaves 93-94 Stalks
47-54 Liquid, thin 95-97 Strands
55-59 Liquid, viscous 98-00 Strips


dlOO Contents dlOO c;:ontents
01-02 Account records 63-64 Novel
03-04 Alchemist's 65 Painting
notebook 66-67 Poetry
05-06 Almanac 68-69 Prayer book
07-08 Bestiary 70 Property deed
09-11 Biography 71-74 Recipe book or
12-14 Book of heraldry cookbook
15 Book of myths 75 Record of a
16 Book of pressed criminal trial
flowers 76 Royal
17 Calendar proclamation
18-22 Catalog 77-78 Sheet music
23-24 Contract 79 Spell book
25-27 Diary 80 Text on armor
28-29 Dictionary making
30-32 Doodles or 81-82 Text on astrology
sketches 83-84 Text on brewing
33 Forged document 85-86 Text on exotic
34 Grammar flora or fauna
workbook 87-88 Text on herbalism
35-36 Heretical text 89-90 Text on local flora
37-41 Historical text 91-92 Text on
42-43 Last will and mathematics
testament 93 Text on masonry
44-45 Legal code 94 Text on medicine
46-53 Letter 95 Theological text
54 Lunatic's ravings 96 Tome of
55 Magic tricks (not forbidden lore
a spellbook) 97-99 Travelogue for an
56 Magic scroll exotic land
57-59 Map or atlas 00 Travelogue of the
60 Memoir planes
61-62 Navigational
chart or st ar chart

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