Dungeon Master's Guide 5E

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

monsters (cont.)
as NPCs, 91-92
by challenge rating,
by terrain, 302-305
challenge rating, 82
hit points, 247-248
mobs, 250
statistics by challenge
rating, 274
monuments, 108
morale, 273
moral quandaries, 79-80
mountain monsters, 304
Mount Celestia , 58 , 59
movement, 252
multiverse, 43-69. See
also creating a multiverse
mystery, 40 , 77-78
mystery cults, 11-12
mythic fantasy, 39
navigation, lll-112, 117-118
Negative Plane, 43
Nessus (Nine Hells), 66
net (trap), 122
new players, 236
Nine Hells, 58 , 64-66. See
also specific layer entries
noble titles, 19, 230
noncombat challenges, 261
nonplayer character. See N PC
noticing other creatures, 243
N PC, 74, 75-76, 77, 78,
89-97, 244-246, 247-248.
See also creating an NPC;
adventurer, 93
hit points, 247-248
party members, 92-93
roleplaying, 244-246
oathbreaker (paladin), 97
objects, 246-247
occupation (N PC), 89
ocean, 117 - 119
organizations, 21-23.
See also creating an
adventurer, 21-22
rank, 22
renown, 22 -23
sample, 21, 23
other rewards, 227-232
Outer Planes, 43, 57-67. See
also specific Outer Plane
optional rules, 59
Outlands, 67-68
overrun, 272
owning property, 126-127
Pandemonium, 58 , 62
pantheon, 10-11, 13
loose, 10-11
of the Dawn War, 11
racial, 13
sample, 11
tight, 11
patron, 94
performing sacred rites, 129

philosophies, 12- 13
Phlegethos (Nine Hells), 64
piety, 23
pit (trap), 122-123
planar categories, 43
planar layers, 58
planar portals, 45, 47 , 48- 49,
50, 51 , 58- 59, 67-68
planar travel, 44-46, 58-59.
See also planar portals
Plane of Air, 53-54
Plane of Earth, 54
Plane of Faerie. See Feywild,
Plane of Fire, 55-56
Plane of Shadow.
See Shadowfell
Plane of Water, 56-57
planes of existence, 43-69.
See also cosmology; specific
plane entries
players, 6
play style, 34-36
plot points, 269-270
poison, 257-258
poison darts (trap), 123
poison needle. (trap), 123
portcullises, 104
Positive Plane, 43
potions, 139, 140
precipitation, 110
proficiency, 239, 263-264
background, 264
dice, 263
personality trait, 264
property (character), 126-127
province scale (map), 14
psychic dissonance (Outer
Planes), 59
psychic wind (Astral), 47-48
published adventures, 72
published worlds, 9, 68
quicksand, 110
quirk, 90, 143
magic item, 143
NPC, 90
race, 285-287
racial deity, 13
rain, 110
raising a stronghold, 128
random dungeons, 290-301
random encounters, 85-87,
106 , 114-1 16 , 118
challenge, 87
checking for, 86
creating tables, 86-87
sample table, 87
sea, 118
settlement, 114-116
triggering, 85
underwater, 116
wilderness, 106
random magic items, 144-149
random settlements,
112-114. See also creating a
random treasure, 133-135,
136-139, 144-149
rank (in an organization), 22

rarity, 135
razorvine, 110
reactions, 252
religion, 10-13. See
also creating a religion
renown, 22-23, 78 , 129
as piety, 23
benefits, 22-23
gaining, 22, 129
losing, 23
resolving social interaction,
restrictions on magic, 24
rest variants, 267
resurrection, 24
rings, 139
River Styx, 58
rods, 139
ro leplaying, 245-246
rolling sphere (trap), 123
rolling the dice, 235, 236-237,
ruins, 108
rules, 5

rules discussions, 235
running a business, 127 , 129
running the game, 235-261
sailing vessels, 119
sanity, 265-266
saving throws, 238, 239
schools of magic, 24
scrolls, 139, 140
mishaps, 140
sea, 117 - 119
secret doors, 103-104
see lie fey, 49
selling magic items, 129-130,
sentient magic items,
214 -218
settlements, 15-20, 108, 112 -
116 , 254. See also creating a
chases, 254
shadow crossings, 51
Shadowfell despair, 52
Shadowfell, 43, 51-52
ships, 119

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