Dungeon Master's Guide 5E

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
·:,de rness Goals table provides similar inspiration for

  • a dventure focused on outdoor exploration. The Other
    ~stable suggests location-based adventures that
    :~a·r fit neatly into the first two cate gories.

d20 Goal
Stop the dungeon's monstrous inhabitants from
raiding the surface world.
2 Foil a villain's evil scheme.
3 Destroy a magical threat inside the dungeon.
4 Acquire treasure.
5 Find a particular item for a specific purpose.
6 Retrieve a stolen item hidden in the dungeon.
7 Find information needed for a special purpose.
8 Rescue a captive.
9 Discover the fate of a previous adventuring party.
10 Find an N PC who disappeared in the area.
11 Slay a dragon or some other challenging monster.
12 Discover the nature and origin of a strange location
or phenomenon.
13 Pursue fleeing foes taking refuge in the dungeon.
14 Escape from captivity in the dungeon.
15 Clear a ruin so it can be rebuilt and reoccupied.
16 Discover why a villain is interested in the dungeon.
17 Win a bet or complete a rite of passage by surviving
in the dungeon for a certain amount oftime.
18 Parley with a villain in the dungeon.
19 Hide from a threat outside the dungeon.
20 Roll twice, ignoring results of 20.


d20 Goal
Locate a dungeon or other site of interest (roll on
the Dungeon Goals table to find out why).
2 Assess the scope of a natural or unnatural disaster.
3 Escort an NPC to a destination.
4 Arrive at a destination without being seen by the
villain's forces.
5 Stop monsters from raiding caravans and farms.
6 Establish trade with a distant town.
7 Protect a caravan traveling to a distant town.
8 Map a ne w land.
9 Find a place to establish a colony.
10 Find a natural resource.
11 Hunt a specific monster.
12 Return home from a distant place.
13 Obtain information from a reclusive hermit.
14 Find an object that was lost in the wilds.
15 Discover the fate of a missing group of explorers.
16 Pursue fleeing foes.
17 Assess the size of an approaching army.
18 Escape the reign of a tyrant.
19 Protect a wilderness site from at tacke rs.
20 Roll twice, ignoring results of 20.

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