Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

the majority of the denizens in these lands are lizard-
folk. Once a Netherese principality, ruled by vampires,
and then a holding of the Zhentarim, the Marsh of
Chelimber is solidly within the grasp of Najara today.
Though each tribe of lizardfolk is dominated by a chief-
tain from among their kind, each of those leaders has
sworn fealty to the King of Najara.

In the end, it was through the Forest of Wyrms that I
fled Najara, though Dhosun advised me against doing
so. Ultimately, I chose it for the same reason he tried
to discourage me: because only a fool would enter this
wood intentionally. The forest is infested with a great
many serpents of both normal and monstrous varieties.
Sages who have studied the serpent-life of the forest
claim that some force seems to draw ophidian creatures
here and then changes them-varieties of snake that
ought not be poisonous bite with envenomed fang in this
forest, and most breeds of snake grow to nearly double
their size here. Ralionate, an ancient green dragon
apparently not aligned with the yuan-ti, makes this
forest her lair. It is good terrain for her; tall redwoods
and coarse pines create a dense, dark canopy.
Dhosun warned me that the ruins of Ss'thar'tiss'ssun,
an ancient temple-city, lie in the northern fringes of the
forest. At some point in the distant past, humans built
a small settlement, once called Serpent's Cowl, above
these ruins, but it now stands empty, likely due to the
depredations of yuan-ti. Though discernible as little


more than low hills in the forest today, Dhosun told me
that deep inside the ruins lies the Shrine of the Cowled
Serpents, a site of pilgrimage for the serpent-folk.
A place of great danger within the forest is Thlohtzin,
once the citadel of a lich and now an important site in
Najara's slave trade. Slavers from around the region
know that the serpent-folk pay good coin for slaves
brought here. They are then usually transported to other
places in Najara for service.
I chose to make my escape from Najara through the
Forest of Wyrms because, though serpent-infested, it
is a woodland yet, and I am at home in such places. I
moved through its shadows, remaining deep enough
within the forest to avoid notice but not so far as to come
near its heart, and then skirted its edges until I could
see the hills of Tri el ta in the distance.

In the rolling terrain of the Trielta Hills, scattered with
small settlements of gnomes and halflings, life seems
pastoral and idyllic. Halfting farmers tend to their plots,
and gnome miners scrape out the interior of the hills
seeking the bits of gold and silver they may find waiting
there. No warlords threaten this land, no liches or drag-
ons plot to seize it for themselves. There are no great
castles to covet here, nor ruins to pillage. All told, the
place seems dull and unremarkable.
That, of course, is just the way its residents like it.
They enjoy their solitude, which is broken only rarely.
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