Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The Mark of Scribing ................................................

— Lysse Lorridan d’Sivis,
House Matriarch

The Mark of Scribing deals with
communication—both the written and spoken
word. A gnome who bears the mark can feel
words as though they are living creatures,
struggling to make their meaning known. The
mark provides a range of gifts. It translates
languages, but it also allows its bearer to
communicate with others at a distance.

The gnomes of House Sivis facilitate
communication. This is seen most literally in
[XMISQVO[\WVM[, magic items allowing a Sivis heir
to send a short message to another speaking
stone; House Sivis’s network of message stations
is the backbone of long-distance communication.
But Sivis also trains and licenses scribes,
notaries, interpreters, cartographers, barristers,
heralds, bookbinders and more. House Sivis
has an especially close relationship with House
Kundarak, as Kundarak letters of credit must be
notarized with a Sivis arcane mark.
House Sivis has taken great pains to maintain
the trust of its clients and takes a position of
absolute neutrality in all disputes, whether
between houses or nations. Gnomes have a
within the house often engage in subtle schemes
and feuds, but these are never allowed to
threaten the house as a whole. Sivis gnomes are
typically friendly, curious, and engaging; but that
kindly exterior may conceal a scheming mind.

Here are examples of characters who carry the
Mark of Scribing.
House Agent Bard. The Draconic Prophecy
is one of the greatest mysteries of all. You’re an
observer tasked to keep your eyes open for any
sort of manifestation of the Prophecy. You are
part detective, part spy. Always keep your eyes
open for leads and see where they take you.
Sage Wizard. You started out as a scribe
and discovered a talent for arcane magic and a
love of history. You’re eager to explore ancient
ruins and lost civilizations, and you’re especially
interested in uncovering old records, spellbooks,
and ancient lore.
Hermit Warlock (Great Old One). The
Mark of Making allows you to read the code of
reality itself, to understand voices no one else can
hear. You have no interest in the business of your
house; you are on a grander quest, unraveling a
secret that lesser minds can’t comprehend. Your
patron could be a daelkyr or your mark may
truly be connecting you to some primordial force.

The Mark of Scribing manifests exclusively
on gnomes. If your character has the Mark of
Scribing, this is your gnome subrace.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma
score increases by 1.
Gifted Scribe. AW]IZMXZWÅKQMV\_Q\P
calligrapher’s supplies and forgery kits. When
you make an ability check using either one of
these tools, you can roll one Intuition die, a d4,
and add the number rolled to the ability check.
Scribe’s Insight. You can cast KWUXZMPMVL
TIVO]IOM[once with this traitand you regain
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
Whispering Wind. You know the cantrip
UM[[IOM. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability
when casting it.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and
write one extra language of your choice.


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