Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Criminal Activities in Sharn ......................................

Crime takes many forms. Any sort of theft is
illegal, including “UITQKQW][\PMN\WNQLMV\Q\a”—the
use of shapeshifting abilities or illusion magic to
impersonate someone with the intent to cause
harm. Assault, murder, and fraud will all land
you in hot water. Other crimes walk the edge
of legality. Both gambling and prostitution are
legal in Sharn, but these industries are heavily
books. Likewise, smuggled goods include strictly
illegal things—illicit drugs, mystical explosives—
but also highly taxed goods from Xen’drik or
other nations.
While crime occurs throughout Sharn, it is
most visible in Lower Dura and the Cogs. The
Sharn Watch has a minimal presence in these
wards, and these are the easiest places to sell
stolen goods or to hire an assassin. Of course,
they’re also good places to get robbed or caught
up in a street brawl.
Sharn is home to a host of minor gangs and
independent criminals. However, most criminal
activities ultimately fall under one of four
criminal organizations; even independents will
usually have an arrangement with one of these
major powers. If your character has the criminal
background, you should work with the DM to
determine which of these organizations you’re
connected to.


    organization in Sharn.

    smuggling, including the dreamlily trade.

    and crimelords reaching across Sharn.

    but includes members of all races.

    The Boromar Clan began with a family of
    Today the Boromars are one of Sharn’s most
    City Council. The Boromars have close ties by
    marriage to the local branch of House Jorasco.
    Boromars can be seen at every Skyway gala. But
    it’s an open secret that they’ve been running
    They’ve been bribing the Sharn Watch for so
    works for the clan.
    Having a connection to the Boromar Clan
    makes you part of the established power in
    Sharn. It’s an organization that values tradition
    and prefers to avoid violence. However, you’ll be
    expected to respect the hierarchy and follow the

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