Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

here. What motivates your character? What
could drive you to place yourself in danger?
Do you want to help your friends, or protect
the innocent people of the neighborhood? Are
you seeking revenge on a powerful enemy or
organization? Are you trying to establish your
own business, or make an arcane breakthrough?
These can be long-term goals or general themes,
but it’s good for both player and DM to know
what motivates the characters.


The heart of Callestan is the plaza called the
Bridge. This central square serves as an open
market and speaker’s corner. It’s not on a bridge;
rather, the center of the plaza contains the
wreckage of a bridge that fell from one of the
higher wards.
More recently, the Bridge has taken on
another meaning: it’s the line between Boromar
territory and the wilds. Everything to the west
of the Bridge is still under Boromar dominion.
Fences, dreamlily dens, gambling holes—if it’s
Westbridge, the Boromars take a cut and will
is the local clan leader. She despises needless
cruelty but is ruthless in protecting her family’s
interests. Eastbridge is a blend of Boromar
loyalists, Daask insurgents, refugees and veteran
soldiers driven here by war, even a small band of
warforged. Westbridge is as safe as Callestan gets,
while anything goes in Eastbridge.
In Eastbridge, a group of goblins, kobolds, and
gnolls have taken up residence in a block of
condemned tenements known as the Kennels.
Aside from this, Callestan is incredibly diverse,
and members of any race can be found here.
Callestan is an inner district, which means
that it’s largely enclosed in one of the massive
core towers of Dura Quarter. However, it’s large
enough that it extends out to the walls of the
tower. Many people live in or on the walls, in
tenements or shops carved into the thick stone.

The Anvil was once The Golden Anvil, House
faded and forgotten, but it still has traces of its
former glory. There’s a few gaming tables and
a small stage; there’s a dwarf comedian who’s
been doing the same act for sixty years. While
most services are modest or poor in quality,
there is a single comfortable room. Eranna
d’Ghallanda runs the inn; she’s kind, honest,
and much beloved in the district. The Anvil is
on the west side of the Bridge and is a common
hangout for Boromar allies.
The Broken Mirror is an inn run by a family
of changelings; the theme and tone of the inn
changes every week. It’s said to have ties with the
Tyrants, which keeps troublemakers away.
The Butcher’s is a combination butcher
shop and bar in Eastbridge. It’s popular with
Daask soldiers, though not all monsters in the
region have ties to Daask.
The Crooked Cat is home to dozens of cats,
and this odd feature draws tourists from the
higher wards. The proprietor is a shifter named
Whiskers. He runs a side business as a fence,
buying and selling unusual goods. Rumors say
that Whiskers is some sort of warlock or druid,
and that he can see through the eyes of his cats as
they wander the city.
The General is a headless statue in a small
square in Eastbridge. It’s hundreds of years old,
and no one actually knows who it represents.
within a 15-foot radius and serves as a refuge for
those in danger. The most destitute inhabitants of
the district often sleep around the General.
The Silvermist Theater stands on the
west side of the Bridge. Like the Anvil, it’s a
that’s a rotting shadow of its former self. The
current owners have grand ideas about future
productions, but it’s the dreamlily parlor in the
basement that keeps the theater open.
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