Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron

(Nancy Kaufman) #1



Sharn is a city with an appetite for adventure.
mystery and danger. Eccentric nobles and
dragonmarked barons alike need capable agents
for their many intrigues. So Sharn has a steady
fantasy. You’re a professional adventurer with a
reputation established, and you’re always ready
every day brings a new thrilling challenge—a
new chance to put your life on the line in pursuit
of fame and fortune.

characters are SVW_Vas adventurers. They’ve
accomplished remarkable feats and beaten
With the DM’s approval, use the following rules

  • You begin at 5th level.

  • You start with 600 gp in addition to your
    normal starting equipment.

  • You have two common magic items and
    two uncommon magic items.
    All magic items are subject to the approval of the
    DM, and the DM may choose whether to assign
    these items or to allow you to select the items
    you want. Either way, take a moment to come
    up with the story behind these items. How did
    you acquire them? Were they treasures found on
    your adventures? Heirlooms from your family
    or your time in the Last War? Or just something
    you bought with your earnings?One point
    +TQٺ\WX. This district is your base of operations,
    home to valued comrades and rivals. It’s
    adventurer you’ll be venturing to exotic locales.

You may delve into the ruins below Sharn or
crash an airship into Skyway. You may head to
Xen’drik or other distant lands. Wherever you
go, adventure awaits!

What is it, and how did you earn it? Are you a
new prodigy, or an old retired hero who’s just
getting back into the game?
As always, consider your background. If you’re
a soldier, you might have had a celebrated
career. As an entertainer, you might perform
at one of the theaters of Upper Menthis
between adventures. If you’re a sage you could
be considered an expert in arcane lore or the
history of Xen’drik, giving lectures at Morgrave
University in your spare time.
One question to consider is if you’re part of the
+TQٺ\WX)L^MV\]ZMZ[¼/]QTL. This is serves
as a social club for adventurers and a one-stop
marketplace for anyone seeking to hire a capable
and reliable champion. If you’re part of the
CAG you have access to the guild hall and a
host of potential friends and allies. Perhaps you
have a mentor at the guild, a retired adventurer
who regales you with tales of her epic deeds. Or
maybe you’ve take a novice under your wing and
you’re teaching him the ropes. A critical point
is that the CAG has a positive reputation and
doesn’t condone evil behavior; if you’re part of
to adhere to its codes of conduct. Less reputable
Adventurers’ Guild in Middle Tavick’s
Landing. There’s a long-standing rivalry between
the two guilds, and if you’re part of the CAG you
might work with the DM to develop a particular
nemesis in the Deathsgate guild.

your life on the line. What is it that brought you
to this risky line of work? Is it just about the gold?
Are you driven by academic curiosity? Are you
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