isn't the.fiend it used to be.
- The Cartographer
When the characters arrive at this location, read or
paraphrase the following boxed text to the players:
A deep rift slashes across the surface of Avernus for as
far as the eye can see. The canyon is over a mile deep
and filled with a lake of green slime that undulates as
though breathing. From a nearby cliff, a tributary of the
River Styx cascades down into the slime.
Dangling from a bent iron crane that leans out over
the chasm is an iron cage containing a hairless, green·
skinned humanoid wearing shackles on its ankles. The
crane lowers the cage by a chain i nto t he sl ime, immers·
ing the creature in the goo for a minute before hoisting
it back out. This dunking continues again and again, and
the trapped creature seems helpless to stop it.
Long ago. Bel imprisoned a rival pit fiend named
Shummrath at the bottom of this deep chasm. Over the
years, Shummrath has been reduced to a fetid lake of
slime. Ancient regenerative properties maintain some
semblance of life within the sludge. allowing visitors to
communicate with Shummrath telepathically. However,
a tributary stream from the River Styx has spilled into
his canyon and polluted the devil's mind. Shummrath
now only retains thirty seconds of memory and conveys
a single thought repeatedly.
Those who establish communication with Shummrath
discover that the devil repeats the same thought over
a nd again: it failed to show proper deference to Bel and
will have its revenge. Shummrath can talk to the c harac-
te rs telepathically, but his mind unerringly loops back to
this same vengeful thought.
When the characters arrive here, they spot an ultroloth
imprisoned in the iron cage suspended over the chasm.
T he iron crane has a magically powered winch mecha-
nism that repeatedly dunks the cage into the goo, nearly
drowning the prisoner with each submersion. The ul-
troloth, Baazit, is bound by dimensional shackles that
prevent it from teleporting away.
Baazit contacts the characters telepathically as soon
as they're in range. The ultrolotb was imprisoned by a
pit fiend for stealing soul coins. Baazit promises to show
the characters how to form magical servants from the
goo if they free it. Baazit can also direct the group to
Bel's forge (see "Bel's Forge," page 113).
A character can jam the crane's winch with a crowbar
or similar tool, preventing it from lowering or raising
Baazit's cage. Once the cage stops moving, a character
can try to use th ieves' tools to unlock the cage door,
doing so with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check. A
knock spell or similar magic also unlocks the cage door.
Characters can follow Baazit's instructions to scoop out
a handful of the slime and spend an hour molding it into
a tiny humanoid shape. At the end ofthis time, the slime
animates as a loyal, lawful evil homunculus made of
dripping green jelly. Each character can only have one
of these servants active at a time. If a character makes
a second homunculus, the first one melts into a sticky
puddle of inanimate goo.
Characters who free or slay Baazit can claim the dimen-
sional shackles that restrain it.
If the characters are traveling with the ice imp (see "Mir-
ror of Mephistar," page 99), it leads them to the na r-
rowest point of the Styx's tributary river and sets about
hammering its five shattersticks into the rocky ravine
walls (see the "Shatterstick" sidebar on page 99). The
imp asks the characters to stand guard while it works.
As the imp places the shattersticks, eight spined devils
swoop down and attack. One m inute after the last shat-
terstick is activated, the combined seismic activity of all
the shattersticks triggers a huge rockfall that fills the
gully, creating a dam.
With the polluted River Styx cut off from the chasm.
Shummrath slowly starts to regenerate its mind and
reform its body. After^48 hours, Shummrath reforms as
a pit fiend and flies off to wage war on his rival, Bel. If
the characters visit Bel's forge later in the adventure (see
"Bel's Forge," page 113), they find it under siege from
Shummrath's hastily mustered forces. The attackers are
quickly overwhelmed, forcing Shummrath to retreat to
some far corner of Avernus to escape Bel's wrath.
1f the characters successfully dam the River Styx, they
can return to the Mirror of Mephistar to claim recom-
pense. Rigorath the cambion tells them that Ubbalux
must swear fealty to Mephistopheles to escape the
standing stones. If Ubbalux does as Rigorath suggests,
swearing its undying fealty to Mephistopheles, the arch-
devil makes it possible for the barlgura to escape.
If the characters return to the obelisk with the news,
Ubbalux begrudgingly accepts these terms and reveals
Crypt of the Hellriders
map. Ubbalux says that the death knight Olanthius,
guardian of the tomb, knows the secret location of the
Bleeding Citadel. The demon also reveals that "For
Glory" is the pass phrase to open to the catacombs.
where many of Zariel's fallen comrades are interned.
As the characters leave the obelisk, they witness Ub-
balux swear fealty to Mephistopheles, whereupon black
ice forms around the standing stones and causes them
all to crack at once. UbbaluJC is able to leave the ring of
standing stones at that point, crying "Finally! I am free!"
into the howling wind.