Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The safe contains nine adamantine rods, each one

weighing 3 pounds and engraved with runes that spell

out the words "Solar Insidiator Lock" in Infernal, fol-

lowed by a number from 1 to 9. These are the rods that

the characters are searching for. Characters familiar

with Thavius Kreeg's infernal contract recall that "Solar

Insidiator" is another name for the Companion. Armed

with this knowledge, a character who succeeds on a DC

10 Intelligence (Arcana) check can conclude that the
rods were designed to unlock the Companion, suggest-
ing that it might contain something.

Dead Devil. A spined devil was operating the console

when the fortress crashed into Avernus. The console
tore free of one wall and pinned the devil against an-

other wall, crushing it to death. The console is nonfunc-

tional, and its original purpose can't be ascertained.

Once per minute, a hollow "ka-clunk" sound emanates
from this room, which contains the following:

This room contains two rusty iron crates in one corner
and an iron, bell-shaped contraption bolted to the floor
in the opposite corner. The bell is nine feet tall and
painted black, with several dents and d ings in it. Every so
often, the bell emits a loud "ka·clunk" sound.

Each crate contains twenty iron flasks of demon ichor

(see page 78).

A detect magic spell reveals an aura of transmutation

magic around the bell-shaped contraption. Any char-

acter who examines the bell and succeeds on a DC 20

Intelligence (Arcana) check can ascertain its purpose:

it kept the fortress aloft and level with the ground. The

noise it makes is a rhythmic malfunction caused by the

fact that the fortress is leaning to one side.


Describe this area to the players as follows:

This chamber contains a stripped-down metal console
and several rusty pipes that extend from floor to ceiling.
One of the pipes has a two-foot-long gash in it.

The console's original purpose can't be determined.

Ten stirges nest in the pipe with the gash in it. If the

pipe is jostled or otherwise disturbed, the stirges fly out

and attack.


This hall has four doors leading off it. Behind each door

is a closet with a miniature console and chair bolted to

the Aoor. These consoles have keys and function like

Infernal typewriters. An imp stationed at each console

would type orders from superiors on smalJ s lips of pa-

per before delivering them to their intended recipients.
Rigged above each desk is a long, slender horn through
which bridge officers could dictate their orders.


As the characters prepare to leave, a warband arrives to

scavenge the wreck. This warband is Jed by one of the

warlords described in the "Warlords of the Avernian

Wastelands" section on page 90. The characters have

a few rounds to hide, set an ambush, or return to their

vehicles before the enemy warband arrives.

Each warlord has a different reason for visiting the

wreck, as outlined below.

Bitter Breath. The horned devil is thinking about turn-

ing the wreck into a base and wants to inspect it.

Feonor. The archmage heard a rumor that someone has

been stockpiling demon ichor inside the wreck, and

she plans to steal it.

Princeps Kovik. Kovik's spies in Bel's Forge have

told the chain devil about the adamantine rods.

Kovik plans to sell them to Mahadi (page 126) for

soul coins.


Bel isn't really expecting the characters to ret urn the

nine adamantine rods to him, and he looks positively

disappointed if they do. ("We didn't even sign a con-

tract!" he laments.) Rather, be hoped they might use

the rods to unlock the Companion, thereby freeing the
planetar trapped within it and potentialJy ruining Zari-
el's plans for Elturel. Bringing the nine rods back to Bel

merely implicates him in the plot to free the planetar.

After uttering a few choice curse words, he strongly

encourages the characters to take the rods to Elturel,

stick them in locks along the Companion's equator, and

see what happens.

Happy to let the characters keep the rods, Bel makes

good on his promise to reveal the location of the Bleed-

ing Citadel. He tells the characters that the Sword of

Zariel is a good-aligned artifact that Avernus itself has

long sought to destroy. Bel urges them to find the sword
quickly, before the Bleeding Citadel is swallowed up by

Avernus and the sword is lost forever. If Lulu is still with

the party, she urges the characters to recover the sword

before heading back to Elturel.


Some locations marked on the players' map of Avernus

lie outside the two quest paths. Others, like the Wan-

dering Emporium and Zariel's F lying Fortress, move

around. These locations are summarized below and

described in the sections that follow.

Stygian Dock. A river dock where Aying fortresses can

undergo repairs while siphoning souls from the Styx.

Styx Watchtower. One of several fortifications along the

River Styx used by devils to guard against invasion.

Sundered Chains. Broken chains of Avernus that tried

and failed to bind other cities before Elturel.

The Wandering Emporium. A mobile marketplace bujlt

atop infernal war machines.

Zariel's Flying Fortress. Zariel commands her legions

from this mobile headquarters.
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