affected individual until their debt is paid in full. What
Mahadi does with such defaulters depends on their ca-
pabilities. Some become indentured servants, working
at Infernal Rapture. If they possess a talent for sales,
they might eventually obtain a business to run within
the Wandering Emporium.
If adventurers inform Mahadi (and by extension Asmo-
deus) about Arkhan's possession of the Hand of Vecna,
Mahadi does everything he can to strike a deal with
them, offering any of the gifts listed under "Mahadi's
Deals" in exchange for the artifact. This is in lieu of the
terms normally offered by Asmodeus.
Mahadi has the power to make deals at the direction
and with the authority of Asmodeus as if he were an
archdevil (see appendix A). All such deals must be pre-
sented to the other party without alteration, and they
are not negotiable. In all such agreements, Asmodeus
wants one thing only: a character signing one of these
contracts gives up their soul forever. After the signing
character reaches 17th level, if at any point they die,
their death is permanent, with no chance to return from
the grave. Asmodeus takes their soul and makes them a
pit fiend, in his service for eternity.
Mabadi can offer the following gifts in exchange for a
soul contract:
Magic Item. Asmodeus gifts the adventurer with a rod
of lordly might, to which only the recipient and its di-
rect descendants can attune.
Resurrection. Asmodeus sends one of his loyal priest
followers to cast true resurrection on a deceased
Tiefting Transformation. Asmodeus transforms the
character into a tiefiing with a direct infernal blood-
line to him. Substitute the character's racial traits with
tiefting racial traits.
Zariel relies on Mahadi's services to provide supplies,
magic items, and other items of value necessary for
continuing her campaign in the Blood War. Infernal
Rapture has also been known to host meetings or
high-ranking devils as a neutral and private space.
Mahadi is bound by contract with Asmodeus to not
stage a coup in Avernus or directly assist others to do
so. Nothing in the contract, however, states that Mahadi
can't indirectly assist others in attempting to overthrow
Zariel or whoever else is in control, either by imparting
information or selling goods.
When Lulu arrives at the Wandering Emporium, its tan-
talizing s ights, sounds, and smells are dimly familiar to
her. Mahadi seems more familiar to Lulu than anything
else in the emporium, but she can't remember why.
Although Lulu has no memory of any prior visit to the
Wandering Emporium, Mahadi is happy to remind her
that he sheltered Lulu for a while after she became lost
in Avernus. What Mahadi fails to mention is that, after
earning her trust, he splashed Lulu with water from the
River Styx to strip her of her spellcasting abilities and
memories. Mahadi then sold Lulu to some devils who, in
turn, delivered her back to Zariel.
Mahadi is surprised to see Lulu again but tries not
to show it. He initially suspects that the hollyphant has
come seeking revenge for the memory loss he inflicted
upon her. Once he realizes that her intentions are be-
nign, Mahadi pretends to be her friend once more.
The Wandering Emporium travels on the backs of nine
Huge infernal war machines similar to Demon Grind-
ers (see page 219), but with Flamethrowers and Styx
Sprayers instead of Chompers and Wrecking Balls.
When Mahadi finds an adequate location to set up
shop, he orders his drivers to form a horseshoe-shaped
defensive perimeter. As the infernal war machines grind
to a halt, their crews (comprised of indentured humans,
duergar, hobgoblins, salamanders, succubi, incubi, and
assorted other creatures) disembark and begin unpack-
ing tents and whatnot. All shops are open within the
hour aad remain open for business until Mahadi decides
it's time to pack up and move elsewhere.
If the characters come upon the Wandering Empo-
rium while it's open for business, describe it to the
players as follows:
A collection of brightly colored tents stands clustered to-
gether, creating an oasis of comfort amid the dread land-
scape of Avernus. Huge infernal war machines form a
horseshoe about the tents, with curtains made of small,
rectangular iron plates and lamps dangling from chains
strung between them. Soft, lilting music and wondrous
smells drift across the hot winds, inviting a closer look.
The Wandering Emporium provides a haven for all who
enter and is considered neutral ground for those that
might otherwise initiate a conflict. A s ign posted at the
entrance, strangely unde rstandable in all languages,
simply states: "All are welcome here. No fighting! No
spellcasting! No exceptions!"
Mahadi greets all visitors, directing them toward
whatever establishments interest them the most while
reserving the highest praise for his own beloved restau-
rant and spa, Infernal Rapture. There, he fulfills their
every desire in an attempt to place them in his debt. If
this doesn't work, he isn't averse to offering payment
in exchange for services rendered. The characters are
welcome to stay as Jong as they wish, until such time as
Mahadi decides it's time to pack up and go elsewhere.
Characters indebted to Mahadi can stay on with the
Wandering Emporium, but only as his servants.
The c haracters are free to visit any establishment in the
Wandering Emporium. You can create your own busi-