Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

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This 30-foot-tall, white marble statue stands atop a

2-foot-high raised dais and depicts an armored, blind-

folded angel in a calm, protective stance, with her sword

drawn and wings unfurled. The dais is carved with

the following words, in Common: "Zariel, guardian of

ldyllglen. Offer prayers to Lathander, and his light will

shield thee."

This s tatue of Zariel is a Gargantuan object with AC

17 , 300 hit points, a damage threshold of 15 , and immu-

nity to poison, psychic, and radia nt damage. A detect

magic spell reveals that the statue radiates an aura of

abjuration magic.

Any fiend that starts its turn within 15 feet of the

statue causes it to Rare with radiant energy. Each time

the statue Rares, every fiend within 30 feet of it must

make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 18

(4d8) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much

damage on a successful one.

Any character who touches the statue and uses an ac-

tion to offer a prayer to Lathander gains the benefit of a

protection from evil and good s pell for 1 hour. A charac-

ter can gain this benefit only once while in the memory.

    This two-story, white stone temple carved with images

of the sun on its exterior walls is the largest building in

the town. Iron s hutte rs cover the building's windows,

and its doors are made of oak. The temple's occupants

and features are discussed more below.

Occupants.jhessa Brightstar, a neutral good female

human priest of Lathander, leads a congregation of

fifty townsfolk (commoners) in praye r on the first

floor. If forced into combat, the commoners take the

Dodge action. The townsfolk are terrified ofYee-

noghu's forces and grateful for any aid the charac-

ters provide.

Illumination. Torches burning in sconces brightly light

the temple's interior.

Barred Entra nce. An oak double door serves as the

temple's entrance and is barred from the inside. A

creature can use an action to try to force open the

doors from th e outside, doing so with a s uccessful

DC 22 Strength {Athletics) check. A character can

also convince the congregation to open the doors by

shouting through th e doors and succeeding on a DC

15 Charisma (Pers uasion) check.

Shuttered Windows. All windows are covered with

locked iron shutters. The iron shutters are latched

from th e inside and have AC 19. 25 hit points, a dam-

age threshold of 10, and immunity to poison and psy-

chic damage. A character with thieves' tools can try to

unlock a window's shutters, doing so with a s uccess-

ful DC 15 Dexterity check.

Roleplayingjhessa Brightstar. jhessa is a pious

priest of Lat hander and a descendant of Solndor

Brightstar (see "ldyllglen History," page^140 ). The

soft-spoken woman in her forties leads he r Hock in a

prayer to Lat hander, begging the Morning Lord to send

Zariel to protect the people of ldyllglen once more.

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