This room contains an unusual guest: a sahuagin
priestess named Oshalla. She wears a cloak made
from fis hing nets, and speaks Common and Sahuagin.
She was exiled from the depths for plotting a coup
against he r king.
Oshalla keeps to herself and has he r meals brought to
her three times per day. The door to her room is locked,
and s he wears the key on a cord around her neck. Alan
has a maste r key that also unlocks the door. Picking the
lock requires thieves' tools and a successful DC^10 Dex-
terity check.
In addition to a bed , night table, and chest, this room
contains a desk, a chair, several paintings of coastal
and unde rwater scenes, a portable bathtub, and a ten-
foot-long, eight-foot tall bookcase that holds Oshalla's
collection of trinkets collected from the ocean (shells,
barnacle-cove red skulls, and the like). Oshalla doesn't
allow the tavern staff to clean he r room or refresh the
water i n the tub, so both are filthy.
Treasure. Characters who searc h the desk drawer
find a s harkskin pouch containing^66 gp and^49 sp,
which Oshalla uses to pay for food and s helter. Resting
against the south wall is a small wooden chest that con-
tains a shrine to Sekola h, the s hark god worshiped by
sahuagin. The chest's interior is lined with shark teeth
and contains a 5-pound coral sculpture of Sekolah with
red pearls for eyes (worth 250 gp as an art object).
The doors to these two rooms are locked. I n addition
to keys he loans to guests, Alan has a maste r key that
unlocks both doors. Picking eithe r l ock requires thieves'
tools and a successful DC^10 Dexterity c heck.
Each room contains a cozy bed, an empty woode n
chest, and c urtains on the window.
Alan carries a master key that unlocks the door to his
private bedroom. Picking the lock requires thie ves' tools
and a successful DC 15 Dexterity c heck.
Alan's room contains a bed with an ornate iron frame.
a claw-footed chest, a night table, and a wardrobe.
Splayed out on the floor in front of th e wardrobe is a rug
of smothering that attacks anyone other than Alan who
steps on it or opens the chest.
Treasure. The chest's interior is divided into three
equal-sized compartments containing^91 gp,^176 sp, and
288 cp, respectively. Alan uses this money to pay his
staff and maintain the tavern.
Tarina is a chaotic evil human bandit with a conniving
mind. She plays regular games ofBaldur's Bones (see
the "Taverns in Baldur's Gate" side bar, page 16) with
a coterie of local dimwits at a table in area E7. He r fel-
low gamblers don't realize she cheats.
"Tarina" is not a real name, of course. Before retiring
to Baldur's Gate, Tarina was a pirate known as Rhonda
Thunderbell (also not her real name). After serving Cap-
tain Murosko Sessprin of the Uncivil Serpent faithfully
for months, she stole loot from her fellow pirates and
fled before they could stop her. Most of that loot has
been s pent in recent years. though Tarina bas enough
squirreled away to ensure s he never goes hungry. She's
also in good standing with Nine-Fingers, guildmaster of
the local thieves' guild, who gives her occasional work.
Tarina recently heard a rumor that he r former ship-
mates had tracked he r to Baidu r's Gate. She agrees to
help the characters if they stay at Elfsong Tavern to see
if the pirates to show up, then kill them all.
Exactly when Tarina's forme r associates arrive is up
to you, but the characters should have a bit of free time
before they appear (as described in "With Friends Like
These," page 19). Characters who loiter in the tavern
can overhear patrons talking about the current happen-
ings in Baldur's Gate and the rumors from Elturel:
- 'TH bet my last copper piece that those so·called refu-
gees are advanced scouts for an army that's preparing
to attack Baldur's Gate!"
• "The Flaming Fist is decapitated. The captains have
already started bicke ring over who should be in
charge with Ulder Ravengard gone."
"With Rave ngard out of the way, who'll be the next
grand duke, I wonder? My money's on Thalamra Van-
thampur. Practically born in the sewers, she was, and
more vicious than a swa rm of rats."
At some point before Tarina's associates arrive, the
tavern is filled with the ghostly lamentation of the elf
spirit known to haunt the place. However, on this one
occasion, the spirit sings not of a long-lost lover but of
Elturel. This surprises everyone, including Alan Alyth.
who has never heard the s pirit change its tune. Charac-
ters who understand Elvish can translate the lyrics:
0 sing a song of Elturel
Of water, woods, and hill
The s un dawns on her ruddy cliffs
And fields green and still.
This land of long-abiding joy
Home of the strong and brave
Renowned by all, across the realms,
And never once a slave.
0 sing a song of Elturel
When foes are at her door
Her fields torn by cloven feet
From some infernal shore.
Arise the mighty Hellriders
Take up your swift, keen s words
Then charge into the hellish fray
And scatter devil hordes.
0 sing a song of Elturel
And when the night does fall
Sleep safe beneath Companion's light
Until the dawn does call.
Were bound by mortal covenant
That only ends with death
And so we'll sing of Elturel