Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
dlO Persona
l A flamboyant spy or brigand
2 The incarnation of a nation or people
3 A scoundrel with a masked guise
4 A vengeful spirit
5 The manifestation of a deity or your faith
6 One whose beauty is greatly accented using makeup
7 An impersonation of another hero
8 The embodiment of a school of magic
9 A warrior with distinctive armor
10 A disguise with animalistic or monstrous characteris-
tics, meant to inspire fear


Most of your fellow adventurers and the world know you

as your persona. Those who seek to learn more about

you- your weaknesses, your origins, your purpose-find

themselves stymied by your disguise. Upon donning a

disguise and behaving as your persona, you are uniden-

tifiable as your true self. By removing your disguise and

revealing your true face, you are no longer identifiable

as your persona. This allows you to change appearances

between your two personalities as often as you wish, us-

ing one to hide the other or serve as convenient camou-

flage. However, should someone realize the connection

between your persona and your true self, your deception

might lose its effectiveness.


A faceless character usually plays their persona-the

hero or extraordinary person they are every day. That's

all a facade, though, or a part of them expressed to an

extreme. To define a persona, feel free to choose charac-

teristics from other backgrounds, particularly folk hero,

hermit, or noble. For the person behind the persona, the

one who truly strives to be faceless, consider a distinct

set of faceless characteristics. As a result, those with

this background have two sets of characteristics, one for

their persona, and one for their faceless selves.

d8 Personality Trait
I'm earnest and uncommonly direct.
2 I strive to have no personality-it's easier to forget
what's hardly there.
3 I treasure a memento of the person or instance that
set me upon my path.
4 I sleep just as much as I need to and on an unusual
5 I think far ahead, a detachedness often mistaken for
6 I cultivate a single obscure hobby or study and eagerly
discuss it at length.
7 I am ever learning how to be among others-when to
stay quiet, when to laugh.
8 I behave like an extreme opposite of my persona.


d6 Ideal
Justice. Place in society shouldn't determine one's
access to what is right. (Good)
2 Security. Doing what must be done can't bring the
innocent to harm. (Lawful)
3 Confusion. Deception is a weapon. Strike from where
your foes won't expect. (Chaotic)
4 Infamy. My name will be a malediction, a curse that
fulfills my will. (Evil)
5 Incorruptibility. Be a symbol, and leave your flawed
being behind. (Any)
6 Anonymity. It's my deeds that should be remembered,
not their instrument. (Any)

d6 Bond
I do everything for my family. My first thought is keep-
ing them safe.
2 What I do, I do for the world. The people don't realize
how much they need me.
3 I've seen too many in need. I must not fail them as
everyone else has.
4 I stand in opposition, less the wicked go unopposed.
5 I am exceptional. I do this because no one else can,
and no one can stop me.
6 I do everything for those who were taken from me.

d6 Flaw
I am callous about death. It comes to us all eventually.
2 I never make eye contact or hold it unflinchingly.
3 I have no sense of humor. Laughing is uncomfortable
and embarrassing.
4 I overexert myself, sometimes needing to recuperate
for a day or more.
5 I think far ahead, a detachedness often mistaken for
6 I see morality entirely in black and white.


Baldur's Gate is a city badly in need of heroes. and every

so often, one rises from among its own. Ordinary people

who rise to greatness are beloved in local history. but

the popular imagination can turn on such champions

almost as quickly as it anoints them.


You've lived your entire life in the Lower or Outer City

of Baldur's Gate. You grew up seeing arrogant patriars

flaunt their wealth while your hardworking neighbors

struggled. As a result, you know how eager commoners

in Baldur's Gate are to see any patriar get what they

deserve. While in a busy part of the Lower City or Outer

City of Baldur's Gate. you can spend 2d 10 minutes to

convince ld6 commoners to perform a non-illegal act

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