Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


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5,,IELO OF T,_,E

Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement)

The Shield of the Hidden Lord is of celestial origin and

serves as a prison for the pit fiend Gargauth, whose mor-

tal followers revere it as a god. Over time, Gargauth's

evil has warped the shield's appearance, so that its

celestial motif and designs have become twisted into a

fiendish face that subtly moves in disturbing ways.
While holding this shield, you gain a +2 bonus to AC

and resistance to fire damage.

Sentience. The Shield of the Hidden Lord is sentient

as long as it imprisons Gargauth. While sentient, the

shield has the following properties:

The shield has an Intelligence of 22, a Wisdom of 18,

and a Charisma of 24, as well as hearing and true-

sight out to a range of 120 feet.

The shield can speak, read, and understand Common

and Infernal, and it can communicate telepathically

with any creature it can sense within 120 feet of it. Its

voice is a deep, hollow whisper.

The shield has 3 charges. You can use an action to

expend 1 charge to cast fireball or 2 charges to cast

wall of fire from the shield (save DC 21 for each). The
wall of fire spell lasts for 1 minute (no concentration

required). The shield regains all expended charges

daily at dawn.

Anytime during your turn, the shield can choose to

radiate an aura of dread for 1 minute. (This is not a

power of the shield that you control.) Any creature

hostile to you that starts its turn within 20 feet of the

shield must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a

failed save, the creature is frightened until the start of

its next turn. On a successful save, the creature is im-

mune to this power of the shield for the next 24 hours.

Once the shield uses this power, it can't use it again

until the next dawn.
Gargauth's Personality. Gargauth desperately seeks

freedom but can't escape on its own. The pit fiend won't

reveal its true nature, referring to itself only as the Hid-

den Lord. It drops hints and subtle suggestions that it is

an angel trapped in an unholy prison. If released from
the shield, the pit fiend honors the terms of whatever

bargain it struck to facilitate its escape.

While trapped in the shield, Gargauth carefully steers

the shield's current owner toward committing acts of

cruelty and domination, hoping to condemn the individu-

al's soul to the Nine Hells. Conflict occurs if the shield's

owner does anything that would make it more difficult

for Gargauth to escape its prison, such as leaving the

shield in a place where others are unlikely to find it.

Gargauth doesn't know how to escape from the shield.

The pit fiend believes (incorrectly) that it can break free

of the shield if it's brought to the Nine Hells, for it's con-

vinced that the shield's powers are weaker there.

Freeing Gargauth. Casting dispel evil and good on

the shield has a 1 percent chance of freeing the pit fiend,

or automatically succeeds if the spell is cast by a solar, a

planetar, or an archdevil. A god can release the pit fiend

by touching the shield and speaking Gargauth's name.

When released, Gargauth appears in a random, unoccu-

pied space as close to the shield as possible.

SouL Corn

Wondrous item, uncommon

Soul coins are about 5 inches across and about an inch

thick, minted from infernal iron. Each coin weighs one-
third of a pound, and is inscribed with Infernal writing

and a spell that magically binds a single soul to the

coin. Because each soul coin has a unique soul trapped

within it, each has a story. A creature might have been

imprisoned as a result of defaulting on a deal, while an-

other might be the victim of a night hag's curse.

Carrying Soul Coins. To hold a soul coin is to feel

the soul bound within it- overcome with rage or fraught
with despair.

An evil creature can carry as many soul coins as it

wishes (up to its maximum weight allowance). A non-

evil creature can carry a number of soul coins equal to

or less than its Constitution modifier without penalty.

A non-evil creature carrying a number of soul coins

greater than its Constitution modifier has disadvantage

on its attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.
Using a Soul Coin. A soul coin has 3 charges. A

creature carrying the coin can use its action to expend

1 charge from a soul coin and use it to do one of the


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