Klim's shackles have AC 19, 10 hit points, and immu-
nity to poison and psychic damage.
The suit of armor is welded together and is harmless,
but its gauntlets are detachable. Both gauntlets are
animated objects statistically identical to flying swords,
except they deal bludgeoning damage instead of s lash-
ing damage. The gauntlets detach from the armor and
attack anyone who disturbs them or frees the prisoner
from his shackles.
Unless the characters approach this room quietly and
without light sources, they alert the occupants here. De-
scribe the area to the players as follows:
This partially collapsed room has three wooden beams
bracing its ceiling. Situated between the beams is a
scorched wooden table with a human cadaver resting
atop it. A frighteningly thin woman in a black robe is
studying the corpse, her face largely hidden under a cowl.
Around her feet creep a swarm of skeletal rats.
The necromancer looming over the corpse is Flennis, a
female human master of souls (see page 234 for her
stat block) and the highest-ranking follower of Myrkul
in the dungeon. Use the swarm of rats stat block in the
Monster Manual to represent F lennis's skeletal rats,
which are undead instead of beasts. The swarm can be
turned by any character with the Turn Undead feature,
but spells that target beasts have no effect on it.
Flennis is preparing to make a zombie out of the
corpse on the table, but the animate dead spell takes
1 minute to cast, which means she must deal with the
characters first. Her skeletal rats attack the nearest foe,
and she casts spells while using the table for cover.
Tr easure. ln addition to her robe and her flail, Flennis
carries a dusty spellbook that contains all the spells she
has prepared. The book has black leather covers and
sports a tiny, skull-shaped locking mechanism. Flennis
has the key to the lock stuck in her hair. A character can
also pick the lock with a successful DC 10 Dexterity
check made with thieves' tools.
The first time a creature other than Flennis opens the
book, a wisp of black smoke rises from its pages and co-
alesces into a skull that cackles madly for a few seconds
before dissipating. The creature holding the book when
the smoke appears must succeed on a DC 14 Consti-
tution saving throw or be cursed for 24 hours, during
which time the creature has vulnerability to necrotic
damage. A remove curse spell or similar effect ends the
curse on the creature.
An ordinary rat scurries around this room, looking for
scraps of food. If the characters use a speak with ani-
mals spell or similar magic to communicate with the rat,
it can share its knowledge of the dungeon with them. It
warms to characters who offer it food.
The rat's knowledge is limited to places it has visited-
specifically areas DS through D26. It doesn't know the
location of secret doors, so it's unaware of areas D27
through D33, which are hidden behind the secret door
in area D23.
The flooded, rubble-strewn tunnels leading to and from
this room narrow to a width of 2\li feet in places. Four
rotting wooden beams rise from the murky water to
brace the ceiling here. Rubble piled in the northwest
corner contains nothing of interest.
Murky, foul-smelling water surrounds an open stone sar-
cophagus resting in the middle of this crypt, its stone lid
lying broken in three pieces under the water north of it.
A detect magic spell reveals an aura of evocation magic
around the sarcophagus. Characters who pull the lid
fragments out of the water see that the lid was carved in
the likeness of a screaming, axe-wielding barbarian.
Exposure to the dampness has rotted the bones in the
sarcophagus. reducing them to black sludge.
Trap. If the contents of the sarcophagus are disturbed,
a ghostly battleaxe appears above the sarcophagus.
The battleaxe is created by magic similar to a spiritual
weapon spell and is treated as a 2nd-level spell effect for
the purpose of dispelling it. The ghostly battleaxe can't
be harmed, can't leave the room, and targets only crea-
tures, acting on initiative count 20. On each of its turns,
it moves up to 10 feet and makes a melee spell attack
(+5 to hit) against an available target, dealing 6 (ld8 + 2)
force damage on a hit. The effect ends when there are
no longer any creatures in the room, and the trap resets
after 24 hours.
Read or paraphrase the following boxed text to the play-
ers when their characters first enter the room:
This dry, partially collapsed room contains a stone altar
with humanoid skulls and bones piled around it. The top
of the altar is covered with dozens of half-melted candles
made of black wax, all currently unlit.
If one or more of the black candles on the altar are lit,
they shed a green light that reveals black writing on
the walls. The writing, which is not visible otherwise,
says in Common, "RISE AND BE COUNTED!" If these
words are spoken aloud within 5 feet of the altar, the
words vanish as bones hidden under the debris at the
north end of the room rise up and knit together, forming
three animated human skeletons. The skeletons are evil
undead, but they obey the commands of whoever spoke
the words that raised them, serving that individual until
they're destroyed or their master is killed.
The ceiling of this Hooded room is supported by nu-
merous wooden beams. The air here smells like rotten
eggs, a putrid stench that carries beyond the room. Any
character approaching this area who succeeds on a DC
10 Wisdom (Survival) check realizes that the stench is