Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Small fey, chaotic evil

Armor Class 13 (nat ural armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d6 + 24)
Speed 25 ft.

18 (+4)

13 (+1)

18 (+4)

Skills Athletics +6, Perception +3

10 (+O)

12 (+l)

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Language.s Common, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

9 (-1)

Iron Boots. While moving, the redcap has d isadvantage on Dex-
terity (Stealth) checks.
Outsize Strength. While grappling, the re d cap is considere d
to be Medium. Also, wielding a heavy weapon doesn't impose
d is advantage on its attack rolls.


Multiattack. The redcap makes three at tacks wit h its
wicked sickle.

Wicked Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
ta rget. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

lronbound Pursuit. The redcap moves u p to its s peed to a crea-
ture it can see and kicks with its iron boots. The target must
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving t h row or take 20 (3dl0 +
4} bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.


A madcap is a redcap that soaks its hat in demon ichor
instead of blood. Contact with demon ichor makes the
creature even more psychotic, causing it to brood over
irrational hatreds. A group of madcaps will sometimes
band together over a shared hatred of something, such
as music, creatures with curly hair, the word "cool," or the
color blue.
When a madcap drops to 0 hit points, its hateful exis-
tence comes to an end in spectacular fashion as it bursts
into flames, reducing itself, its ichor-soaked hat, and its
pants to ashes instantly while leaving behind its weapon
and smoldering iron boots.

A redcap is a homicidal fey creature born of blood lust.

Although small, redcaps have formidable strength.

In the Feywild, or in places where that plane touches

another plane at a fey crossing, one or more redcaps

might appear where fresh blood soaks the ground. At

first, new redcaps look like tiny, bloodstained mush-

rooms just pushing their caps out of the soil. When

moonlight shines on one of these caps, a creature that
looks like a wizened and undersized gnome with a

hunched back and a sinewy frame springs from the

earth. The creature has a pointed leather cap, pants of

similar material, heavy iron boots, and a heavy bladed

weapon. From the moment it awakens, a redcap desires

only murder and carnage, and it sets out to satisfy these

cravings. Even if a redcap wanted to be stealthy, its iron
boots force it to take ponderous, thunderous steps.

To sustain its unnatural existence, a redcap must soak

its hat in the fresh blood of its victims. If the blood isn't

replenished at least once ever y three days, the redcap

vanishes as if it had never been. A redcap's desire to slay

is rooted in its will to survive.


A tressym is a mischievous winged cat as big as a house

cat, with a wingspan of 3 feet.
Thought to be the results of wizardly experimentation

on house cats, tressym are intelligent felines known to

form strong friendships with humanoids, particularly
rangers and wizards. Tressym get along well with oth·

ers of their kind, but they rarely lair or hunt together.

They peacefully ignore bats, faerie dragons, and the like,

but they hate stirges and evil flying monsters such as

manticores. They also enjoy teasing dogs.

Tressym feed on small rodents, birds, and insects,

stalking and pouncing on prey as normal cats do, but

with the added advantage of flight. Tressym don't, how-
ever, attack nestlings or despoil eggs.

Tressym mate with others of their kind, but they don't

mate for life. A tressym can also mate with a normal cat,

though only one out of every ten of their offspring will be

a tressym; the others wiU be normal cats.

With the DM's permission, a person who casts the

find familiar spell can choose to conjure a tressym in-
stead of a normal cat.
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