Descent into Avernus

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

her during their stay at Fort Knucklebone, Mad Maggie

provides them with one or more of the available infernal

war machines. U they have assisted her troops in other

ways, she can provide any or all of the following as well:

• As many as three soul coins (see page 94),

which the characters need to fuel their infernal

war machines

• A silvered weapon of the characters' choice, to assist

in battles with devils and lycanthropes

Two weeks of rations per character (the rations taste

awful but retain their nutritional value)

  • Warnings about other warlords (see page 90),

plus the name of someone who might help them (see

"Roaming Encounter: Smiler the Defiler," page 133)


The manner in which the Knucklebones bid farewell

to the characters depends on how pleased Mad Mag-

gie is with the characters. This attitude ranges from a

near-tearful goodbye if they gave Maggie and her gang

everything they wanted, to being chased away by rabid
madcaps if everything went wrong.


Tf the characters take one or more infernal war

machines from Fort Knucklebone without Mad Maggie's

consent, the night hag organizes a posse to run them

down and get back what's hers, plus "interest." Mad

Maggie chases after them in her Scavenger, with Mickey

in the passenger seat behind her while she drives. Barn-

abas the fiameskull operates the Grappling Claw with

his mage hand spell, Chukka and Clonk operate the

Harpoon Flingers, and six madcaps cling to the outs ide

hull, ready to leap onto enemy vehicles. If Chukka and
Clonk got the broken Demon Grinder working, that ve-

hicle comes after the characters as well and is manned

entirely by redcaps and madcaps.


As the characters reach a half-mile or so away from Fort

Knucklebone, trouble comes looking for them in the
form of an enemy warlord:

A plume of red dust billows in the distance, created by a
large infernal war machine barreling in your direction. Its
crew consists of boar-headed and rat-headed humanoids,
all wearing goggles.

The incoming infernal war machine is a gore-spattered

Demon Grinder (see page 219 for its stat block) with

gnashing metal teeth at the front and a wrecking ball

swinging behind it. As it moves to intercept the charac-

ters, the vehicle is not trying to be stealthy.

If the characters have one or more infernal war ma-

chines, they can try to outrun, outmaneuver, or destroy

the approaching enemy vehicle. If they are on foot,

they must find a way to disable the vehicle and defeat

the creatures inside. If they do so, they can claim the
Demon Grinder for themselves.

The Demon Grinder is driven by the warlord Ragga-

dragga, a wereboar with 120 hit points. He leads the

Goreguts Gang, which consists of two other wereboars

namedJibbs and Oozywog (who operate the vehicle's

Chomper and Wrecking Ball stations) and two wererats

named Finnik and Yeegha (who operate the vehicle's

Harpoon Flingers). Avernus has no moons, so the Go-

reguts Gang isn't beholden to lunar cycles. Its members
prefer their hybrid forms.
If he defeats the characters, Raggadragga gets what-

ever information he can out of them before attempting

to ransom them back to Mad Maggie. The night hag may

or may not pay for them, depending on her disposition

toward the characters when they left Fort Knucklebone.

If the characters defeat the Goreguts Gang, they can

take possession of the Demon Gri nder, which burns

through its remaining fuel in 6 hours.

Treasure. Raggadragga carries three soul coins (see

page 94) that he uses to fuel the Demon Grinder. He

also carries a circlet of blasting, which he can don and

use to make ranged attacks. The other members of the

Goreguts Gang have no treasure.

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