Side View
1 square = 5 feet
Development. Too much noise here alerts the hell-
wasps in area N2. Creatures rooting through the junk
must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check or
alert the wasps. Once the colony is placed on alert, call
for initiative rolls. All the hellwasps act on the same
initiative count. At the start of each of the hellwasps'
turns. one hellwasp (see page 236 for its stat block)
arrives from area N2 to defend the nest until all three
appear. The rest of the colony remains on high alert for
two hours.
This level is honeycombed with octagonal cells crafted
by the hellwasps from a regurgitated mulch of bone,
sand, and fat. Three bellwasps (see page 236 for their
stat block) are here unless they were drawn to area Nl
by the characters' intrusion.
This level of the nest is always on high alert and
contains three b ellwasps (see page 236 for their
stat block).
Hellwasp larvae are incubating inside the angel car-
casses on this level. If a character takes piercing or
slashing damage within 15 feet of an angel carcass or
moves within 5 feet of one, the carcass explodes and
releases 2d6 hostile hellwasp grubs (use the giant centi-
pede stat block to represent them).
Level 1
The hellwasps gum their victims to the walls of this
level using the same regurgitated bile that forms their
nest. Two h ellwasps (see page 236 for their stat block)
are stationed here at all hours.
If Lulu was abducted and brought to the nest, the char-
acters find her here. stuck to a wall (see "Development"
below). Any creature that ends up gummed to the walls
can use an action to try to free itself, doing so with a
s uccessful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. A charac-
ter can also make this check to pull free a companion
within its reach.
Treasure. Ruined gear belonging to previous abduct-
ees is scattered across the floor. Characters who search
through the gear find three soul coins (see page 94 )
and a helm of telepathy.
Development. If the characters free Lulu, she admits
that her memory of the Bleeding Citadel is hazier than
she initially realized. Having pondered her dreams fur-
ther, she says that two sites in Avernus seem important
to finding the Citadel: a place where demons manifest
(see "Spawning Trees," page 96), and another where
demons are destroyed (see ~Demon Zapper," page
106). Lulu has no preference which to investigate first,
so she points out both locations on the characters' map
and leaves the decision to them. Each of these locations
opens a different branch of investigation that leads to
the Bleeding Citadel. See diagram 3.2 (page 96) for
an overview of the Path of Demons and diagram 3.3
(page 106) for an overview of the Path of Devils.