action is called Karma Yoga. It is described as the path of
When the compulsive striving away from the Now
ceases, the joy of Being flows intoeverything you do. The
a stillness, apeace.Youno longer depend onthefuture for
fulfillment and satisfaction — you don't look to it for
salvation. Therefore, you are not attached to the results.
Neither failure nor success has the power to change your
inner state of Being. You have found the life underneath
is derived from Being, not from your personal past.
Therefore,thepsychologicalneedto become anythingother
the level of your life situation, you may indeed become
wealthy, knowledgeable, successful,free of this or that,but
in the deeper dimension of Being you are complete and
Of course, but you will not have illusory expectations that
happy. As faras your lifesituation is concerned, there may
of gain and loss. Yet on a deeper level you are already
complete, and when you realize that, there is a playful,
joyous energy behind what you do. Being free of
psychological time, you no longer pursue your goals with
grim determination, drivenbyfear, anger,discontent, orthe
need to become someone. Nor will you remain inactive
your deeper sense of self is derived from Being, when you
arefreeof"becoming"asapsychologicalneed,neither your