Dubai & Abu Dhabi 7 - Full PDF eBook

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Day Trips

from Dubai

s arjah p125h

Dubai’s northern emirate neighbour, Sharjah doesn’t dazzle with glitz
but with culture, particularly around the restored central Heritage and
Arts Area, among the most interesting neighbourhoods in the united
Arab Emirates (uAE)�

a - n p128lai

v sit markets, forts, museums and a famous date-palm oasis in laid-i
back Al-Ain, a breath of fresh air after the frantic pace of Dubai�

uae east coast p130
Sleepy fishing villages, rugged mountains, desert dunes, museums and
the oldest mosque in the uAE... this region has plenty to explore and is
an easy getaway destination from Dubai�


Sharjah Coast

UAE East


100 km
60 miles

50 km
30 miles




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