Ghosts of Saltmarsh
ABANDONED QUARTERS A castĀ·iron potbelly stove squats to the north of the upper level of the fortress's main tower, its stovepi ...
NAVIGATING SANDBARS Sandbars make dangerous obstacles for vessels. par- ticularly at high tide when they are less noticeable. Th ...
A human body is sprawled in a depression at the cen- ter of the stone floor, its torso torn open and its heart missing. The base ...
a d4 on the Whirlpool Rank table. The captain. first mate, bosun. and quartermaster each make an ability check, as shown on the ...
1 () All three sur vivors have been traumatized by the recenc attacks. which were unknowingly triggered by janore Stormswake's a ...
OPE N WATER ENCOUNTERS ( LEV ELS 5-10) dlOO 01-03 04-07 08 -11 12 - 17 1 8-25 26 - 30 31-3 5 36-38 39- 40 41 42-4 5 46 - 47 48 - ...
Preparing for the Drowned Ones The hermitage offers an abundance of tactical oppor- tunities to defend against the coming attack ...
CREW Unless you decide othe rwise, each s hip encountered on the sea has its full c rew and enough food and warer ro s us tain t ...
I 18 REST AND RESOURCES Having explored the hermitage and taken on its varied threats, the characters have had a busy day. Thank ...
210 GHOST Ghost ships are incorporeal vessels that carry undead crews. The crews often died in a grisly manner and have unfinish ...
1 square = 5 feet THE REMAINS OF TAMMERAUT Map 7.5 shows the seafloor in the vicinity of the sunken hull, including the spot whe ...
SHIP DISPOSITION d10 Disposition l Diseased 2 Emergency 3 Help with purpose 4 Mutiny s Trading 6-10 No special disposition DISEA ...
1fio ANCIENT WARNING If the characters search the sand around the ship, they discover the tip of a stone slab sticking up above ...
212 A LIEN ISLAND INHABITANTS d6 Inhabitants 1d6 berserkers and SdlO tribal warriors 2-3 1 d6 cult fanatics and Sdl 0 cultists 4 ...
villages become more common-with the drowned ones adding all their victims to their growing horde-and unless they are som ehow c ...
HOSTILE ISLAND LEADER MOTIVATI O N S d4 Motivat ion 2 3 4 The leader wants to commandeer a boat to conĀ· quer other islands. The ...
211 WELCOMING ISLAND INHABITANTS d6 Inhabitants SdlO aarakocra 2 8d8 pixies and 8d8 sprites 3 ld6 lizardfolk shamans and SdlO li ...
CHAPTER 8: ThE STYES SERIES OF MYSTERIOUS MURDERS SHAKES THE downtrodden folk of the Styes- a decaying port fallen on hard times ...
that approaches within 10 feet of the nests, fighting to t he death to defend their eggs. Slippery Rock. Algae, ocean spray, and ...
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