Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
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Three crude pallets lie on the floor, and a large iron kettle
stands in the center of the chamber. In the northeast cor-
ner is a jumbled pile of broken lumber.

Unless alerted by a commotion in area 2. one guard
(veteran) is napping on a pallet.

The pallets hold nothing but rags stuffed inside flour
sacks to make crude mattresses. The kettle, used for
heating the room, contains ash and charcoal. The
lumber in the corner fuels the kettle. ff the characters
search through the lumber, they find the guards' weapon
hoard hidden behind i1: five spears, a shortbow and
quiver of twenty arrows, two shortswords, three dag-
gers. two shields, and one suit of chain mail armor sized
for a Medium creature.


This room has been cleared of all debris and is currently
being scrubbed clean by a single robed figure. Three
walls are heavily curtained with draperies of thick black
velvet, and the east wall is decorated with a horrible
mural depicting a red dragon devouring sheep. Near the
west wall is a stone table on which a large iron brazier
burns. The table has been scrubbed and scoured, but it
has many odd discolorations and scorch marks. A half·
melted statue and two badly damaged candlesticks sit
beside the brazier.

If not drawn into area 2 by intruders. one disciple (aco-
lyte) is cleaning the table and floors here.
This was a meditation and study room before the
abbey burned. The clerics still perform what few r ites
and ceremonies they can, given the circumstances. The
furnishings were salvaged from the rubble.
A character who has a passive Perception score of
13 or higher and examines the floor in front of the
curtains notices some abrasions on the stone floor in
the southwest corner. If the characters pull back the
curtains in the corner and examine the south wall. they
automatically notice the hidden door that leads to the
Winding Way.
The abbey residents do not tamper with the curtains,
seeing them as sacred objects. Thus they do not know
about the hidden door behind them. They consider any
attempt to move or tear down the curtains blasphemous
attacking the perpetrators if they witness such an act or
learn of it.
Table. The table, discolored by fire and heat, serves
as the ceremonial platform where incense is burned and
where larger sacrifices are made by burning rich, costly
items in the brazier.
Treasure. The candlesticks are gold and worth 10 gp
each. The statue was badly damaged in the fire but is
made of pure silver and is worth 20 gp.

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This room is full of kegs, bags, and boxes. There is a
rough cot in one corner and a great deal of clutter ev-
erywhere. Except for the cot, this appears to be nothing
more than a disorganized storage room.

Until unknown voices or the sounds of battle draw his
attention, Ozymandias (priest) is in this room discuss-
ing survival tactics with a guard (veteran). The room
serves as Ozymandias's bedroom, office, and storeroom.
If the characters search the jumbled mess. they find a
couple of kegs of corned beef and pork; bags of beans.
rice. and flour; and two boxes of fresh vegetables from
the abbey's garden. They also find gardening tools, a
keg of nails, a box of carpentry tools (saws. hammers,
planes, and so on), three lanterns, ten flasks of oi l, two
50-foot coils of rope, twenty torches, and two 10 -foot
wooden poles.
Treasure. Ozymandius wears the special golden
medallion (see the sidebar). Carefully searching under
the cot reveals four potions of healing in fancy crystal
decanters. The decanters are worth 20 gp each if empty.


Empty weapon racks and several empty bins and shelves
line the walls of this room. On the floor is a bedroll of
three blankets next to a pair of shiny leather boots.

Bayleaf (bard) is in this room exchanging war stories
with one of the guards (veteran) unless they hear a dis-
turbance outside. This former armory of the clerics and
the abbey guards is now devoid of such contents.
Bayleaf has hidden his personal wealth and collection
of scrolls under a loose stone in the floor. A character
who makes a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception$)
check while searching the room spots the loose stone.
Treasure. Bayleaf's boots of striding and spr inging
sit next to the bed. Under the loose stone are a spell
scroll of silent image, a spell scroll of phantasmal force,
a leather pouch containing 75 gp, and a pair of ruby
earrings worth 150 gp. If the characters make a bargain
with Bayleaf and convince him to leave peacefully. he
takes his treasure with him.


This room contains small statues and figurines. There
are statues of dogs and horses, monks and pilgrims.
footmen and knights on horseback, and several garden
gnomes. All the statues are between one and three feet
tall. Standing against the northern wall are two life.size
statues. One is a robed skeleton holding a large scythe,
and the other is a medusa. On the floor in front of these
statues is a pallet of several blankets.
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