Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Perception score of 16 or higher notices t he wire. A
character who is searching carefully and who makes a
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check also finds
the wire. A character can disarm the trap by making a
successful DC 12 Dexterity check using thieves' tools.
The trap triggers if a character tries to open the door,
or if an attempt to disarm it fails. When the trap trig-
gers, a large stone falls onto the creature standing next
to the door. That creature must make a successful DC
14 Dexterity saving throw or take 36 (8d8) bludgeon-
ing damage.

A loaded ballista is trained on the doorway, and it fires
on anyone who opens the door. The ballista makes an
attack (+6 bonus to hit) with advantage against that
individual. The attack deals 16(3d10) piercing dam-
age on a hit.


A short tunnel widens into an unfurnished and undeco-
rated th irty-foot-square chamber. Standing next to one
another in the center of the room are two enormous skel-
etal guardians; their heads feature prominent horns, and
each wields a massive, rusted axe.
Five corpse-like figures stand shoulder to shoulder,
guarding a door in the eastern wall. Their faces have
been painted in gruesome colors.

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Unless a cha racter i n the party is prominently wearing
the special golden medallion (see the sidebar), all the
creatures in this a rea attack the party.
Two minotaur skeletons, two s pecte rs, and a bodak
(see appendix C) guard this area. The undead attack un-
til they are destroyed or the intruders have been driven
away. They pursue intruders throughout the tunnels but
do not leave the Winding Way. Once any intruders have
been killed or driven back through the door of the room,
the undead return to their original positions.
The specters hang back from the fight, and ifthe char-
acters appear on the verge of victory, they move through
the door to the east. They use hit-and-run tactics to ha-
rass the characters and try to lure them into triggering
the traps in the Winding Way.


The hallway widens out into a bare fifty-foot-square
chamber. Three enormous, rotting ogres stand close to
the southern wall. They clutch large morningstars, which
drag on the stone floor.
Standing directly in the exit on the southern wall, effec-
tively blocking it, is a large crystal statue of a minotaur.

One ogre zombie. two gbasts. and one minotaur living
crystal statue (see appendix C) guard this area.
Unless a character in the party is prominently wear-
ing the special golden medallion (see the sidebar), all
the undead in this area attack the party. The c rystal
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