Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


The sahuagin are cruel and vicious in equal measure. Al-
though they are humanoid in form, they have a mindset
closer to that of predatory sharks than the outlook of hu-
mans or other land dwellers.
Like sharks, sahuagin are at their most aggressive when
their prey spills blood in the water. Their Blood Frenzy trait
represents this increased ferocity. Though it can prove a
significant edge in a fight, it also saddles them with a crit-
ical tactical challenge. Sahuagin affected by Blood Frenzy
are at best reluctant to disengage from combat. Rather
than withdraw in the face of defeat and find reinforce-
ments, they might instead press the attack.
As an optional rule to reflect this ferocity, a sahuagin
that comes within 30 feet of a hostile creature that doesn't
have all its hit points must use an action to make a DC^13
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the sahuagin's
Blood Frenzy takes over as normal, and the creature either
stands its ground or advances to attack in melee. On a
successful save. the sahuagin retreats or escapes if pos-
sible, temporarily fighting off the influence of the trait. If
the sahuagin's move takes it farther than 30 feet from all
hostile creatures, the situation resets, and another saving
throw is called for whenever it again comes within^30 feet
of an injured enemy.


No permanent light sources exist inside the stronghold.
since the sahuagin have no need of them. In areas
where slaves work, light is often necessary for their
sake. If an area must be illuminated temporarily, the
sahuagin fasten torches to the walls that produce light
throughout the room. When the adventure begins. area
19 and area 37 are the only places in the fortress not
shrouded in darkness.

Items of furniture in the fortress are made of smooth.
dressed stone unless otherwise specified. Coffers are^3
feet long by 2 feet wide and stand 2 feet high; they are
used to store personal possessions.
Many of the area descriptions in levels 2 and 3 contain
references to seaweed beds. These beds consist 10-foot-
square patches of seaweed. growing from the Aoor and
rising through the water to a height of 7 feet or more. An
area occupied by a seaweed bed is heavily obscured.
Remember that the three-dimensional space in which
a seaweed bed appears extends from floor to ceiling,
and the seaweed occupies only the bottom half of that
space. Thus, ifs possible for a creature to be in the same
space as the seaweed without being inside the seaweed.

The following sahuagi n rule the fortress, oversee its
armed forces. and direct its worship of Sekolah.

The initial attack against the lizard folk and the subse-
quent occupation of the fortress were the baroness's do-
ing. She is a cunning war strategist and has a measure
of patience that serves her well. She has an excellent
relationship with the high priestess. with whom she
shar es an unwavering devotion^10 Sekolah.

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The baron (spouse of the baroness) is a young and
ambitious sahuagin who has worked to increase his
reputation in sahuagin society. He is clever but hasty,
and prone to sulking when things do not go his way. The
fortress and the forthcoming sahuagin invasion on the
coastal area represent his opportunity to make history.

Through the high priestess. Sekolah's will is done in the
fortress. She is a tested disciple who recently performed
the great ritual that lowered the seabed under the for-
tress. She and her priestesses have summoned an ava-
tar of their god. who swims inside the temple.

Makaht is a hulking brute responsible for leading the
sahuagin army in the impending campaign. He takes
orders directly from the baroness and the baron, though
he prefers the former over the latter.

The sahuagin fortress is not full to capacity. A sparse
crew of slaves labors on the topmost level, which con-
tains several chambers being prepared for occupation.
The submerged levels are home to many sahuagin and
several of the armored sharks they use as war beasts.
The sahuagin force and the other denizens of the for-
tress are summarized on the Sahuagin Roster table.
which also provides information on how the occupants
of various areas might react as the mission unfolds. On
this table, sahuagin is abbreviated as "sah.''

The sahuagin routinely send patrols out on level^2 of the
fortress as a security measure. Unless the characters
are extremely stealthy and careful. they are bound to en-
counter a patrol at some point. A guard patrol attacks on
sight. unless the characters are disguised or have some
other way to make it appear they deserve to be here.
A patrol consists of five sahuagin, one sahuagin coral
smasher (see appendix C), and one sahuagin cham-
pion (see appendix C) drawn from the roster in area

  1. If that area is depleted of sahuagin, no more patrols
    are sent out.
    For every 10 minutes the characters spend traveling
    the corridors on level 2. roll a dl2. On a 12. the charac-
    ters come upon a guard patrol.

The Mission B egins

Once the characters are ready to depart, be sure to take
a moment to prepare your notes. Since this adventure
provides plenty of chances for stealthy infiltration, note
the characters' Dexterity (Stealth) check modifiers and
their passive Perception scores. When a fight breaks
out. check the Sahuagin Roster table to determine if the
noise of combat in an area attracts reinforcements.

When the characters· transportation first arrives within
sight of the island fortress, read:
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