Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


DC 15 Dexterity check is required to disar m the trap.
Opening the coffer without disarming the trap, or failing
to djsarm it, triggers the trap. Once triggered, a short
blade thrusts from the coffer. stabbing any creature next
to the coffer's lock. The creature must make a success-
ful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 9 {2d8) pierc-
ing damage.
Treasure. The leather cloak hanging here is a cloak
of the manta ray. The armor is a suit of mithral armor
(plate) and a suit of normal chain mail. The three
shields. all usable, bear the insignia of Prince Mon-
murg- a spire rising against a blue ocean sky.
The coffer contains twelve potions of water breathing.

  1. HALL
    If the sahuagin in this area have been alerted to t he
    presence of intruders. this area is vacant. Read:


To the west of a large archway stretches an area of plain
stone construction. Three pillars extend to the tiled ceil-
ing. In the center of this chamber, a wide staircase leads
down. An unfinished half-wall surrounds three sides of
the staircase. Piles of colored tiles sit near the wall, await-
ing placement. The sound of water lapping against stone
can be heard coming up from the bottom of the stairs.

If the sahuagin in this area have not been alerted when
the party enters, continue with:

Ten slaves, working by torchlight, smooth and dress the
unfinished exterior walls of the hall. Each slave is shack-
led at the ankles with a length of chain and wears a metal
collar. Several sahuagin oversee the slaves as they work,
while others rest and chat near the top of the stairs.

This area of the fortress remains to be finis hed to the
satisfaction of the sahuagin before the level is flooded.
T here are ten s laves in this a rea: four ores, four hob-
goblins, and two lizardfolk. See the "Slaves of the Sa-
huagin" sidebar for more information.
Four sahuagin coral smashers (see appendix C), one
sahuagin champion (see appendix C), one sahuagin
priestess. and two sahuagin oversee the work of the
slaves. The sahuagin attack any intruders on sight.


Development. If the sahuagin here are alerted by the
sounds of combat in area 12, they gather the slaves and
chain them to the pillars in chis room before proceeding,
which delays their arrival accordingly-it takes 5 min-
utes for them to get to the scene.
Stairs. The stairs descend into area 20. Water from
the flooded levels laps at the second step from the top of
the stairs. Descending the stairs submerges the party in
cold {but not frigid) seawater.
Treasure. The sahuagin champion wears a pair of
gold and silver armbands (25 gp each). Intricate designs
depicting shark teeth encircle the a rmbands.

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This level is entirely submerged in cold (but not fr igid)
seawater. The characters must make appropriate prepa-
rations before descending the stairs into area 20.
The following locations are identified on map 6 .2.


After descending the stairs, you find yourselves in a large
open area. Stone pillars rise from floor to ceiling, two
each to your left and your right. 1

This area is empty, quiet, and peaceful.


' Dark green tiles cover the walls and floor of this room,
and the ceiling is tiled in white. A table in the cente r of
the room has a small bench beside it. In the southwest
corner is a coffer its lid closed. A mass of seaweed rises
in the northwest corner to a height of about seven feet;
the seaweed covers an area about ten feet square.

Blademaster Makaht resides here. At present he can
be found in area 53, watching the so-called sport in the
arena during his short recreation period.
Coffer. The locked coffer can be opened by a charac-
ter who makes a successful DC 14 Dexterity check us-
ing thieves' tools. Makaht keeps the key on his person.
The coffer contains the following treasure:

  • Six leather harnesses with gold buckles (10 gp each)

    • A leather bag containing two cut rubies (100 gp each)
      A small silver mirror (25 gp)


The walls and floor of th is chamber are tiled in a dark
green color, and the ceiling is tiled light green. A seaweed
bed fills the northeast corner. In the center of the room
stands a small table with a small bench beside it. Against
the east wall rests a coffer, its lid closed.

The occupant of this room is presently in the throne
room (area 42).
Coffer. The locked coffer can be opened by a char-
acter who makes a successful DC 14 Dexterity check
using thieves· tools. The key 10 the coffer is held by one
of the sahuagin champions in area 42.
The coffer contains:

  • Six leather harnesses with silver buckles (5 gp each)
    A small gold locket on a fine chain (50 gp): if the locket
    is opened, it is seen to contain a miniature portrait of
    a human girl and a lock of blonde hair, which floats
    away into the surrounding water

  • A leather bag containing 25 gp

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