Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


  • The floor and walls of this room are tiled in gray, the
    ceiling in white. In the center of the room stands a white
    stone table, the top surface covered in gold-colored en-
    gravings. Three small ornately carved benches stand near
    the table, and a seaweed bed fills the southeast corner.

This is the chamber of high priestess Thadrah. She is
currently in area 42 with the baron.
A characler who searches the seaweed bed discovers
a hidden, unlocked coffer.
Trapped Table. A character who examines the table
and makes a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
check discovers a secret compartment in its underside.
The compartment is locked and can be opened by a
character who makes a successful DC 14 Dexterity
check using thieves' tools. The compartment is trapped
with a thrusting blade trap. Noticing the trap requires
a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check. A
successful DC 15 Dexterity check is r equired to disarm
the trap. Opening the coffer without disarming the trap.
or failing to disarm it. triggers the trap.
When the trap is triggered, a shor t blade thrusts from
the coffer, stabbing any creature next to the coffer 's lock.
The creature must make a successful DC 14 Dexterity
saving throw or take 9 (2d8) piercing damage.
Treasure. The hidden compartment contains four
portions of rapture weed and a gold flask 61Jed with
three doses of a restorative draught (potions of healing).

The coffer contains the following items:

  • A leather harness with platinum buckles (50 gp)

  • A canvas bag filled with 50 pp

  • A gold bracelet set with pearls (200 gp)


This large room features walls and floor covered in gray
tiles, the ceiling covered in white. Tiled pillars support
the ceiling and run down the length of the area on either
side of the center.
An altar is built against the northern wall of this cham-
ber. Its stone base is covered in carved shark eyes that
stare out in all directions. The startlingly realistic eyes
are inset with dark stones that reflect the chamber's dim
blue light.

I f the characters look into the chamber without inter-
rupting the ritual taking place. read:

Glowing symbols and strange designs are engraved into
the walls of this place, casting an eerie light throughout
the chamber. Three chanting sahuagin dressed in cere-
monial robes float near the altar, their arms raised toward
the ceiling, which is some thirty feet above. Carvings of
shark's eyes adorn the altar's front, each varied in shape
and size. The gory remains of unidentified creatures rest

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