Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Baron Kepmak (sahuagin baron) sits on his throne,
while high priestess Thad rah (sahuagin high priestess;
see appendix C) stands at his side. The complainant is
a sahuagin, while the two floating at attention a re sa-
huagin champions (see appendix C). Two s hell sharks
(see appendix C) swim high above the throne: they are
the pets of the baron and defend him if he is attacked.

If the characters observe the interaction for (^10) min-
utes, they witness the baron rise and issue an angry
judgment before turning to consult with the priestess
on other matters. The two sahuagin champions and the
sahuagin complainant leave through the main entrance
in the south and travel to their respective posts.
Development. Combat in the th rone room attracts
the attention of a wande ring patrol, which arrives in ld6

  • 1 rounds. A direct attack is likely to wipe out a party
    that tries to kill the entire royal group; the characters'
    mission was designed as a reconnaissance effort for
    good reason.
    A character who searches around the throne discov-
    ers a single gold drop earring worth 30 gp on the floor
    between the throne and the north wall. The earring
    belongs to the baroness. who is curre ntly in area 45 ac-
    cusing a servant of stealing it.
    Treasure. The baron wears a platinum armband (200
    gp). He also carries the key to the coffer in area 52.


This blue-tiled room features a bench that runs along the
south wall and a seaweed bed that floats in the south·
east corner. A coffer, its lid lying nearby on the floor, is
propped against the west wall. An archway to the east
leads to another room, more brightly decorated.

From here. the characters can hear an argument taking
place in area 45.
Treasure. The contents of the coffer are partially
spilled on the floor, as though they had been rummaged
through recently. The coffer contains a sack holding 50
ep. A cheap mirror and several decorative but worthless
stones lie on the floor near the coffer.


Pale green tiles decorate the floor and ceiling here, while
the walls are tiled in coral pink. A table stands in the cen·
ter of the room, a small bench to either side. On the table
is a silver statuette that depicts a squid locked in combat
with a shark.

From here. the sounds of the argument taking place in
area 45 are louder.
Treasure. The statuette (500 gp) is made of electrum.

    As the party approaches the area, presuming the occu-
    pants have not previously left. read:

(fl\('fll<f, llHFl~\11:-.llM\


Two female sahuagin, their voices raised, appear to be
arguing in the room ahead. Though the words might be
incomprehensible, the sense is quite clear-one berates
the other, and that one pleads for mercy.

When the characters can see into the room, read:

The room is tiled in light blue. and frescoes on the ceiling
depict various forms of marine life. A large and opulent
seaweed bed fills the southwest corner. In the center
of the north wall hangs a large mirror with a filigree
metal frame. Below the mirror lies a coffer, its lid off and
propped against the wall. A key is in the lock of the coffer.
A large and intimidating female sahuagin warrior
looms above a normal-sized sahuagin who swims sub·
missively before her. The large one has four arms, and
one of its hands holds a single gold earring, which she
shakes at the cowering sahuagin. A third sahuagin in dark
robes floats near the doorway, looking bored.

Baroness Seklaz (sahuagin baron) looms over her ser·
vant (sahuagin). accusing it of stealing one of her ear-
rings. The earring is. in fact, lost behind the throne in
area 42, where the baroness dropped it days ago. A sin-
gle sahuagin wave s haper (see appendix C) waits by the
entryway. It was summoned to dispose of the servant
and waits for the baroness's command to do so. If the
characters enter combat with these three. 1he sahuagin
servant slips away to find a nearby patrol (see .. Patrols in
the Lair") a nd returns with reinforcements in 5 rounds.
Treasure. The baroness wears a platinum arm-
band (500 gp).
The coffer contains the following treasure:

  • A leather harness with platinum buckles (50 gp)

  • A gold ring set with coral (50 gp)

  • A canvas bag containing 125 pp

  • A pearl-handled dagge r (20 gp)

This room is tiled in coral pink. The walls show scenes
of sahuagin in victorious combat against whales, groups
of squid. and a great tentacled beast whose identity is
not obvious. A large table in the center of the room has
benches on all four sides. A small silver object lies on
the table.

The object on the table is a silver medallion. about 2
inches in diameter. on a tine silver chain. One side of the
medallion carries an engraving of a shark. The other
side's engraving depicts a dozen tridents offset in a cir·
cle to form the shape of a star; this symbol is the baron's
personal seal. The medallion is worth 30 gp and is also
the key to the coffer in room 47.
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