Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Three sabuagin champions are torturing a locathah
here (see appendix C for both). ff the sahuagin become
aware of the party, they abandon their work and attack.
Victim. The locathah on the rack is named Borgas.
He can speak Common as well as Aquan. He has no
possessions. He is very grateful to the characters if they
rescue him and eager to accompany them for the rest of
the adventure (after which he returns to his tribe).
He and his giant eel were captured by sahuagin while
on a hunting trip. He knows little of the fortress but can
describe areas 58 and 60, as well as the corridors lead-
ing from those areas to the torture chamber.
Borgas is particularly concerned about the fate of his
giant eel companion. which he saw forced into cell 50c
by the sahuagin. He asks the characters to help him in
going to the eel's aid without delay.
Ce// Doors. Each cell door can be opened easily by
lifting the bronze bar off its brackets. Borgas had been
kept in cell 50e since his capture.


The unfinished stone of this cell is not illuminated in
any way. A rough platform carved into one wall serves
as a bed.

This cell is unoccupied.


Angry snarls arise from this cell. Inside, an angered sea
lion roars and thrashes in the confined space.

A sea lion (see appendix C) was captured by the sa-
huagi n along with its triton master (see cell SOd) and is
now being caged until a suitable opponent can be found
to pit against it in the arena. If the triton is not with the
characters when this door is opened, the sea lion at-
tacks with extreme ferocity. If the triton is with the char-
acters, he can calm and control the sea lion.


The water in this is cell is fouled by the rotting corpse of
a large sea serpent of some kind. A stone slab along the
north wall lies askew and partially broken on the unfin-

i ished Aoor.

The characters experience some difficulty in opening
this door, even with the bar removed. This is because
the giant eel (Borgas's companion) died in the confined
space, and its body partially blocks the door. Continued
pressure and a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
check eventually opens the door sufficiently for a charac-
ter or Borgas to squeeze inside.

Dead Eel. The cell is only (^20) feet square, like the
others, and a giant eel more than 20 feet long could not
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be expected to survive long in such confinement. In fact,
the eel hastened its own death by vainly battering at the
walls and door. Now it hangs, bloated and distended, in
the water and occupies most of the available space.
Corridor. When the sahuagin first took over the for-
tress, this area was much smaller, though a passage led
north to the second entrance to the fortress on th is level.
The sahuagin decided they no longer needed this
entrance, so they blocked off the passage by leaning a
stone slab up against the north wall of this cell.
The thrashings of the giant eel in its death throes have
partially dislodged this slab, so if a character enters the
room. a small opening is discovered in the north wall.
Now that the slab has been moved, it is easy to open
the passage up completely. Beyond. the passage and
the guard room sti l l exist in th eir original dimensions.
though the entrance is now under 70 feet of water.
Borgas is noticeably upset to discover the death of his
companion, and this discovery makes him even more
determined to get revenge on the sahuagin.

A humanoid figure is being held in this sparse cell of un-
finished stone.

The figure is Kysh (see appendix C), who was captured
by the sahuagi n along with his sea lion companion (see
cell 50b). He is being held until a suitable opponent
can be found for him to fight in the arena. He has been
stripped of his possessions.
He is more than willing to go along with the charac-
ters on their adventure. then returns to his own tribe
after leaving the fortress.
Kysh was unconscious when he was brought into
the fortress. so he has no idea of its layout, nor does he
know what has happened to his sea lion companion.


This cell of unfinished stone is not illuminated in any way.
A rough platform carved into one wall serves as a bed.

This cell was occupied by Borgas before he was re-
moved to be tortured.


This storage area seems orderly but neglected. On the
Aoor near the south wall, lay coils of rope, piles of hides
neatly lashed with cords, a heap of nails, and more.
The north wall has two rows of racks. one above the
other, on which hang a number of warhammers and dag-
gers. Below, on the floor, are three open coffers.
The east wall is also racked, with many spears hanging
in an orderly manner.
Several sharks eye you hungrily as you enter.

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