Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
sion) check. If the pa rty previously tricked their way
into the area this way, they have disadvantage on
these c hecks.

  • The party might want to try s neaking into the fortress
    elsewhere. but they'll find even tighter security un-
    derwater. The success or whatever clever infiltration
    methods the party proposes is left to your disc retion.
    However the parcy gains access to the fortress, they
    find the north entrance under heavy guard. A s izable
    force of ten sahuagin. two sabuagin c h ampions, and
    two sabuagio cora l s mash e rs hold ranks here, pre-
    pared to face whatever attack might come. Any conflict
    here that lasts for more than 5 rounds puts the entire
    fortress on a le rt.
    The room's other features are the same as detailed
    earlie r in the adventure, though the net trap has been
    disabled. The gate functions the same, though, which
    is of especial note as the party"s allies would be greatly
    aided if it we re open whe n they attack.

    The sahuagin are us ing these barracks as a forward
    command post. Thirty sahuagin, three sahuagin cham-
    pions, five sahuagin cora l smashers, and Blademaster
    Makaht (sahuagin bl ade maste r, see appendix C), if he
    survived, are now stationed he re.
    If the party engages the sahuagin in combat he re, the
    defenders' numbers and centra l l ocation on the level in-
    stantly raise the alert.
    Treasure. Amid mundane supplies rests a box made
    from tightly grown pink coral. Inside is a necklace of ad-
    aptation and 4 potions of healing.

  2. HALL
    The sahuagin mount a desperate defense here, deter-
    mined to protect their leaders below. An elite force of six
    sahuagio champions a nd four sahuagin coral smash-
    ers maintain a guard post here.
    Ifthe defenders are s lai n, a shrill battle cry rises
    from the level below. Regardless of how long the party
    has spent in the fortress. Baron Ke pmak and his honor
    guard join the fray. Begin th e following encounter.

Incensed by his forces' s laughte r, Baron Kepmak, leader
of the sahuagin forces. takes the field. This is your
cha nce to add a dramatic finale to the assault. as the
baron leads eight sahuagin c h ampions into battle. The
baron roars as he launches into battle, attacking the
la rgest character and cursing them in Sahuagin (calling
them ichor-less tide pool dwellers and the like).
lf the party wishes to flee, the baron·s gargljng guffaws
follow them down the hall, but he and his retinue do
not pursue. The party soon encounters the Saltmarsh
forces. which appreciatively spirit them to safety.
However, if the party stands and defeats the baron.
all sahuagin in the room stop attacking when he falls.
their shock turning to terror. In the momentary silence,
the sound of booted feet precedes the appearance of
Saltmarsh's forces. The sahuagin swiftly retreat. The
bulk of Saltmarsh's troops take up pursuit. with a few
remaining to escort the characters away. The party has
done enough. It's time for them to claim their re ward.

It'd be challenging for the characters to achieve no vic-
tory point during the attack, but if they flee at the first
sign of opposition or don't parcicipate after agreeing
to do so. they face a chilly welcome upon returning to
Saltmarsh. The assault went on without them. but the
allied forces took heavy losses, only barely managing to
defeat the sahuagin. The characters are asked, politely
but firmly, to leave the Saltmarsh area. The town coun-
cillors wish them a safe journey, as long as it is one way.

Regardless of how the party's strike unfolded, the char-
acte rs are sent to th e rear of the attacking force for rest.
healing. and eventual escort back to Saltmarsh. The
characters' degree of s uccess depends on how many
victory points they achieved during the assault. Several
hours after returning to Saltmarsh, the town council
informs the party of the attack's s uccess and presents
them with their reward:
Pyrrhic Victory ( Less than 50 victory points). The
alliance was victorious, but with heavy casualties. The
sahuagin relinquis h their lair and escape, perhaps
returning later for revenge. The Saltmarsh council re-
wards the party for their effort, granting them 700 gp
and a favor: free passage aboard a ship headed to any
seaport within a week's travel of town. This favor can
be called in whenever the characters please.
Victory (51 to 125 victory p oints). The alliance carries
the day with expected casualties. The Saltmarsh
council rewards the party with 1.000 gp and one ran-
dom item from Magic Item Table F in the Dungeon
Master's Guide (alternatively. you might just grant
them a +l weapon of their choice, +l shield. +1 wand
of the war mage, or a tan bag of tricks). Additionally,
the council grants them a favor, as noted above, but to
any destination within a month's t ravel of town.
Tota l Victory (126 or more victor y p oints). The cha r-
acters effectively gained control of the entire first level
of the fortress. This caused the remaining sahuagin to
panic before Salt mars h's forces crashed into their de-
fe nses. Any sahuagin fortunate e nough to escape are
unlikely to ever be heard from again. The Saltmarsh
council rewards the party with 1,400 gp, three ran-
dom items from Magic Hem Table Fin the Dungeon
Master's Guide (or, you might just grant them one or
more of the following: a +1 weapon of their c hoice,
+l shield, +l wand of the war mage, or a tan bag of
tricks). They also grant the characters a favor, as noted
above, but to wherever the characters please.
Bonus (Ba r on Kepma k Defeated). If the characters
managed to defeat Baron Kepmak, Saltmarsh"s forces
find the sahuagin in utter chaos. the strong ineffectu-
ally trying to force panicked. weaker troops into the
fray. In addition to their other rewards. the Saltmarsh
council rewards the party with an additional 1.000 gp
and a treasure long held in the town vault. a silver ra·
ven figurine of wondrous power. In the aftermath, the
characters are hailed as heroes by the allied forces.
They never have to pay for a drink in Saltmarsh again.

( liAl'HRt> 1111 T'l'\\l ~Sf\I)
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