Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


A village council of six respected merchants guides
general policy for Uskarn. The council consists of the
following members:

  • Vortanim (NG male human druid), an elderly and
    good-natured sage and bookseller

  • Bellis Bellweather (CG female halfling commoner). a
    bright-spirited cheese shop owner

  • Mirria Delvane (N female human guard), a retired sol-
    dier turned blacksmith
    Valissia Arrowen (CN female el f spy), an elf guide and
    scout who runs a fur and leather shop
    Skeldruff P lenk (LN male gnome comm on er), a beer
    maker and proprietor of the Fog and Frog tavern
    Marius Golpin (NE male human thug), the unscrupu-
    lous owner of a general store

Although the council steers the village's economy, the
true power in Uskarn lies in the hands of Feldrin Kane
(LN male human knight), an intimidating bailiff who
ensures that the independent-minded natives don"t stray
too far from his own vision of good government. His taci-
turn agent Merrick (N male halfting veter an) commands
a small force of deputies and officers who maintain
order in the village, and who look poorly on foreign trou-
blemakers. Visitors are likely to receive a visit from M er-
rick or one of his officers soon after arriving, the official
offering a cool welcome along with questions about their
business in town and intended length of stay.

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Though the village is small and unassuming overall,
it's also the site of a smuggling operation run out of
Uskarn's large port district. Several of Merrick's dep-
uties are in the pocket of GriffTalsin (CE male human
bandit captain), ostensibly a maritime merchant who
trades in fine cloth and dry goods. Talsin is actually a
black-hearted privateer who gets most of his wares from
illegal raids against coastal villages across the bay. A ny
trouble with Talsin attracts the attention of his more
powerful pi rate allies, which could lead to or connect
with further adventures.

Firewatch lsland

Firewatch Island is a small island set between a popu-
lous peninsula and th e mouth of a broad river. Its only
feature of note is the hermitage built on the site of the
abandoned ruin of its old fortress.
The tiny island. 800 feet long by 400 feet wide. is a
mixture of scrubby woodland and rocky hills. Three
stony peaks rise above the grass and shrubs. The tallest
stands more than 400 feet high along the southern coast
of the island, while the other two are 300 and 100 feet
high respectively.
Aside from the hermits, the island is normally home
to only vermin, rats, a variety of noisy birds, and various
tide pool creatures. But now the stink of corpses in
area 14 has drawn additional scavenger s from the sur-
rounding waters and the mainland- including a danger-
ous monster.
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