Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

The sun makes the waves sparkle as Firewatch Island
comes fully into view. Three barren hills are its most no-
ticeable landmarks, rising above narrow, rocky beaches
and small wiry shrubs on an otherwise sparse landscape.
In between those high points, a small fortress and bea-
con tower can be seen. The building is made of stone
and looks to have two floors. A bell tower rises an addi-
tional two stories above the rest of the building, and a
low stone wall surrounds part of the complex.

If the characters approach the pier that serves the her-
mitage. see area I for more information.

The Hermitage

The fortress on Firewatch Island was hastily built when
first established, and the residents of the garrison were
still working on it when they disappeared. The folk of
the hermitage have since completed and renovated the
place in their own way, compromising some of the site's
defensive capabilities in che process.

Unless otherwise noted. the walls of the hermitage are
made of mortared masonry. The interior ceilings are
10 feet high, and the noors are paved with flagstones.
The roof is covered in slate tiles except in places where
those tiles have fallen or broken. and those areas have
been subsequently repaired and replaced with thatch.
The wooden doors in the hermitage are usually un-
locked. A locked door can be bashed open with a suc-

cessful DC (^12) Strength (Athletics) check. or smashed
through (AC 15, 18 hit points, immunity to poison and
psychic damage).
The ground floor of the hermitage can be entered in a
number of ways, including through the main doors (be-
tween area 2 and area 4). and through the back doors
into the hermit cells (area 11) and the kitchen (area 12).
Some of these doors have been secured against another
assault by the drowned ones, and must be forced open.
See each area's description for details.
There are no windows on the first floor of the fortress,
but a hole in the north wall of the midden (area 5) allows
access for a Small or smaller creature.
Characters can enter the hermitage on the second
level through the door of the guard tower (area 21),
or by climbing the walls and forcing open one of the
second-story windows. Climbing the hermitage walls
requires a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check.
and opening a window requires a successful DC 10
Strength (Athletics) check.
The ground floor of the hermitage is the main living
area for the residents of the island. and was the initial
site of the drowned ones' attack. The following locations
are identified on map 7.2.
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A short wooden pier extends out into the water, con-
nected by a path to an open archway in the fortress wall.
The pier is in good shape, with wooden pilings raising it
well above the high tide line of the rocky beach. The area
1s deserted, with no other boats or people in sight. The
call of gulls, the shrieking of crows, and the crashing of
the waves are the only sounds.

If the characters took the ferry to the island, Raserhill
quickly offloads a shipment of dried beans and apples,
several barrels of water. and a few crates of other sup-
plies before he casts off and returns to Uskarn. If he has
any concerns about not being met by folk from the her-
mitage, he makes no sign that he cares. Unless the char-
acters have made other arrangements, the ferry returns
shortly after sunrise the next day.
A character who makes a successful DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check notices humanoid tracks leading
from the waterline to the hermitage. A character who
succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wis-
dom (Survival) check also notes distinct tracks return-
ing to the waterline (the trail left by the drowned ones as
they departed the island).
Within a few minutes of arriving on the island, the
characters are attacked by the monstrous peryton,
Rasp. See the '"Look Out Above" section (page 145) for
more information.
If Raserhill has been paid to stay close by the island
with his ferry, his reaction to Rasp and the monster·s
reaction to him- is up to you.



An archway in the fortress's outer wall provides access to
a large courtyard. now filled with vegetable gardens and
a small orchard of stunted apple trees. Stairs to the east
and west lead up to walkways overlooking the yard. To
the southwest, the base of the bell tower is obscured by
thick growths of vines, which also shroud the west stairs.
A set of double doors stands along the front of the her-
mitage on the far side of the garden, and appears to be
the only way inside.

If the characters have not already visited area 3. add:

Along the eastern side of the courtyard, the wall of the
fortress once abutted the larger of the island's rocky hills.
But that hillside has since been hewn away to create a
passage rounding the corner of the hermitage.

The vines at the base of the bell tower (area 15) are
four assassin vines (see appendix C). Brought to the is-
land by a druid named Tallos (one of those killed by the


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