Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


Faded tapestries showing maritime scenes and dramatic
storms at sea hang from the north and south walls of this
cozy room. The floor is carpeted in a ragged green shag
woven to depict a crashing wave. A low set of book-laden
shelves sits against the east wall, and three wooden ta-
bles and several chairs fill the rest of the room. Books are
strewn about the tables and the floor.

This chambe r once served as a chapel devoted to the
god of the sea for the members of the fortress garrison.
It was here that Oloran, the chaplain of the fortress,
prayed to Procan for divine intervention against the
approaching Tammeraut. The residents of the hermit-
age, who generally espouse no particular religion, have
conve rted the chamber into a library. Any character
who has an appropriate background or who succeeds
on a DC 14 Intelligence (History or Religion) check rec-
ognizes that the carpet depicts the symbol of Procan.
the sea god.
Books. A few of the works on the s helves deal with
the worship of the sea god a nd date back to the original
garrison. but most are later acquisitions brought by the
hermits. By and large. these tomes deal with common
philosophical quandaries and th e passive conte mplation
of nature. The books are old and impressive-looking but
have no monetary value.
H the characters searc h the library, one of them dis-
cove rs a handwritten poe m scrawled into the open cover
of a book. The fragment was composed by Oloran, the
chaplain of the garrison, the morning after Tammeraut
sank. It was intended as a paean to Procan, also known
as the Storm Lord. and a warning to the god's foes.

  • Beware the sea and its scarlet harbinger.
    Beware the sword and death that await.
    For guidance, we beseech almighty Storm Lord;
    Consign to our foes Tammeraut's fate.

The beginning of the verse will look familiar to charac-
ters who visit the belfry (area 24). See that area for more
A character who succeeds on a DC IS Intelligence
{History) check recognizes ''Tammeraut" as a family
name, and recalls that it was a noble clan that faded
from history years ago.
Treasure. Lying atop the bookshelf are four spell
scrolls: gust of wind, speak with animals, speak with
plants, and control water. These we re created by Tal-
los the druid. who misplaced them he re and forgot
about them.

    Although this area is on the first level, it is accessible
    only from outside and through the trapdoor in a rea 21
    on the second level.

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The heady scent of fermentation fills this dark, win·
dowless hole. Its walls are rough masonry and its floor
hard-packed earth. No ladder rises to the trapdoor in the
ceiling. A table along the west wall holds a collection of
copper tubing and vats. Next to it are several casks.

This space beneath the watchtower of a rea 21 was once
a holding cell for prisoners. Tallos the druid converted
the space into a distillery. Berries harvested from his as-
sassin vines were brought here for fermentation. and the
tubing and vats make up a functioning distillery.
Casks. The four casks hold a rotgut vintage ofTallos·s
assassin-berry wine. Anyone who drinks this concoction
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned for ld4 hours. The saving throw to
overcome the wine's nauseating effects can be repeated
every 15 minutes.

    The door into this area from outside is damaged and
    opens freely. The door into area 7 is barricaded from the
    opposite side. It can be forced open with a successful
    DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check.

What was apparently once the main barracks of the
stronghold has been turned into individual meditation
cells by the residents of the hermitage. Numerous
wooden poles have been crudely lashed together and
hung with curtains to create eight-foot-high partitions
throughout the room. The ceiling peaks twenty feet
overhead, where a thatched roof is reinforced with
wooden poles.
The entire room is a shambles, with many of the par-
titions damaged and the curtains torn apart. Debris and
the broken remains of simple furnishings are strewn
about, while pools of drying blood and gore fill the room
with a metallic stink.

The drowned ones' main assault on the hermitage took
place here. Most of the residents were sleeping in their
cells and died in the first minutes of the attack. The her-
mitage's only real hope of fighting off the invaders. the
druid Tallos, died in his cot. All the bodies were dragged
away by the drowned ones, after which the sea hags
found in a rea 3 did some looting here.
Rats attracted by the s laughter are skulking in this
room. Because the drowned ones removed the corpses,
the rat swarms have found little to cat. They stream
from beneath broken furniture and from behind parti-
tions and c urtains to attack anyone entering the room.
Every round. three s warms of rats appear in one of
the cells (your choice) and pour out to devour the char-
acters. A total of twelve swarms can appear in this way.
Treasure. The partition walls of one cell (Tallos's)
are held up by a pole containing a hollowed-out hidden
space within, which can be found with a successful DC

(^16) Intelligence (Investigation) check. The disturbed

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