Ghosts of Saltmarsh

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


1 square = 5 feet

Ml\P a. 3 : TeMP1.e oF T><ARnouN

Part 4: The Lamp's Shadow


Whether they learn of the temple of Tharizdun from
questioning Mr. Dory or from studying the documents
found in his lair, the characters should make seeking
the temple their next move. If they recognized the im-
agery injarme's sketches (see "Jarme's Last Message"),
they might also suspect that the true menace behind the
Lantern Ghost killings is an aboleth. Otherwise, that
aspect of the plot remains unknown.
A huge complication in the characters' investigation
is the imminent arrival in the Styes of a pair of aboleths
from the Endless Nadir. Having learned of Sgothgah's
traitorous turn to religion. these creatures have used
magic to track both Sgothgah and the juvenile kraken to
their hiding place. and they are on a mission to destroy
Sgothgah and release the kraken into the sea.
As this part of the story begins, the aboleths have al-
ready mounted one attack on their traitorous kin at the
sunken temple at Landgrave's Folly (see part 5, "Thariz-
dun's Progeny," for more information). This assault
has forced Sgothgah to flee to the temple of Tharizdun
to recover.

The temple ofTharizdun, depicted in map 8.3. is located
near Frother·s Lamp in the Low Quarter. At sunset, the
shadow of the abandoned lighthouse stretches out to


point in the general direction of the temple-a structure
cobbled together from a partially sunken galley and
some empty apartments under an abandoned pleasure
pier. The area surrounding the temple is filled with
partially collapsed buildings and walled-off alleys. atop
which newer buildings and boardwalks have been built.
The entire place is damp, reeks of mildew, and is loud
with the creaking and groaning of surrounding build-
ings. The floors. walls. and ceilings of the temple are old
wood, too damp to burn and rotten enough to be almost
spongy to the touch.
No cultists dwell inside the temple. The faithful of the
dark god hide their true calling and live otherwise nor-
mal lives as dock workers, fishers, or sailors. For years,
they gathered once a month at the temple to venerate
the dark god through the night. but were little more than
a desperate mob whose tainted dreams brought them
together. With the arrival of the aboleth Sgothgah in the
Styes. the cult now has renewed vigor, and its members
meet once a week or more.
This section assumes that no cultists are on site when
the characters arrive. giving the party a chance to ex-
plore in relative peace. But if you decide so, the cultists
could be in the middle of a dark ceremony to raise the
risk and the stakes. None of the culc members are dan-
gerous to a party of the characters' level (see area :s
for statistics). But the presence of a hundred chanting,
swaying, convulsing zealots can add a large dose of ee-
rie atmosphere to the characters' investigations.

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